Have a customer with 3 networked sites, no vcm's, no voip over ip trunks, but they use PM speed dials to monitor extensions, they want to be able to use speed dials which are the same number as the remote exts to dial over pstn ie ext number 300 at site B to be dialled by dialling short code/...
Time settings work perfectly as long as the apps are started as specified in the manuals/help files. Have had one site though where the time would not update at all, time display on a 2050/30 phone would not tick over at all, just sat on same time, monitor would show same time, had to replace...
no good reason for this not to work as long as you have the group with the user in it in the OOS field, and be sure that the group is being set to OOS, Open config after putting group into OOS and it should have a cross beside it
Ensure VM lite is not running, or was not installed before or after VM Pro. The service ( if running as a service ) is validated with a valid user account. Licence is valid so your 2 hours of grace hasnt expired.
At the site where the call is recieved via pstn the destination group can have vitual users that fwd to the ext number on the remote site as well as the local extensions.
Yeah, that would work fine,I should have said bring the call into the group .
If a local grp has the users with exts 3NN , the ip ext's off the other site, and I have the short code 3nn dialing on IP trunk would that work?
Carrying on this conversation...
Site B 403 has sevral IP phones which are ext's on Site A 403 for CCC reporting which runs at site A.
Easiest way to have local call from Site B location ring on the IP ext...Bring call into group which has user fwded to IP ext numbers???
If customer network has 30 sites the Main site will have 30 IP trunk lines. Each line must have a unique number within the system. ie lines 101 to 130. As you cannot give a line a number greater than 249 there are not enough numbers avaliable to have unique line numbers over the entire network...
Have customer with 15 sites at moment growing to 30 over next year or so. Main site has IP trunk lines to all other sites. From what I've heard in here I should not configure the other sites with lines to all others but just one to the master site or it will cause problems. Is this correct.
Have also seen on SO 2.0.16 as follows
********** Logging to File Stopped on 22/3/2004 09:49 ******************** SysMonitor [Version 4.0 (11)] ******************** contact made with at 09:49 22/3/2004 ******************** System ( has been up and running for...
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