CDN 66 is the number of digits your extensions are for the 9500 ( Ext. 1000 CDN 66 set to 4) . If the Avaya is dialing out through the 9500 then CDN 66 needs to be 15 to allow all calls local, long distance and international to go through.
If I remember correctly manual should have it noted, when ARTD CDN 66 is set to 15 ACND/ACNP is ignored on an incoming call to the 9500. CDN 66 set to 15 is unknown or undefined number of digits to receive and digit manipulation will not work.
If calls can go with RSC 8 ARRC is good, Check ARSC for the outgoing route that RSC 7 is a 1 for RRI 2 and 3 if it is not a 1 but is set to 2 then there is toll denial and you can check ATDP or ADNPRL, it would be easier to change it to a 1 if needed. Checked which service feature class the...
Haven't worked on a UM8000 for quite sometime and do not recall, in the 9300 you can set 08>140 to 0 to light up a line appearance that has new voicemail, then add a line appearance of the extension on the phone set up a speed dial to dial the voicemail pilot number enter the mailbox number etc...
You will get this message if trying to use an ACD line that is already assigned. List up position data and compare with the extensions they are trying to assign.
In ARTD for your incoming route CDN 50 = 1 , CDN 98 = 1, CDN 112 = 0 for your IP CCIS route on both sides CDN 50 = 1 CDN 98 = 1 and CDN 112 = 1 is how this should be set up. In the MG-SIP cdn_pattern and cpn_pattern are usually set to Userinfo and set name_display to enable. TIE is the name of...
You might want to see if the number is call forwarded to an invalid number, if not you may want to check command 200, i.e. 200>2>804 this makes 2 valid for 4 digit extensions.
The only other thing I can think of is in the admin menu of the phone you can specify what EHS cable you are using the default is none but there are options for APN or APD type cable, I have never had to change this from the default but you might want to try that.
Is this an 8 button with the two displays? Try a different phone a 12 or 24 button, also it is possible that the pins got bent on the phone when plugging in the cable, had that happen before.
Are you using DHCP? If so set up option 120 with your IP Address then the phone will come up to the login screen. There was a way to have the phone retrieve a config file by using DHCP option 153(I think) that would tell the phone to get a config from a server never did this though. If you log...
In ADKS LKP needs to be a 3 and then in AKYD make TP = 1 and then program the headset key on button 25. You may want to unplug the phone and plug it back in as well.
Can you try using one of the existing routes and assign trunk two instead of using a new route and have the access code select trunk two. This would eliminate a route data issue. In ARTD RLP CDN 8 should probably be set to 2 as well.
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