Similar, I've used RI's and OSPF into a multi point VPLS and it works fine. Ensure the subnet you connect into the VPLS ports are in the same subnet and announce the networks you wish to advertise in the router config.
Ok so the network provider needs to add a route for the address to your HSRP address on the Sonicwall (WAN IP) from their equipment. Assumption here is they are announcing the additional netblock out for you. Then all you need to do is Create ACL's and NAT's into your network...
Hi All,
I've got this pretty simple route-amp, as seen below.
ip access-list extended ACL-x2-FW
permit ip any
route-map RM-FW permit 10
match ip address ACL-x2-FW
set ip next-hop
Then I go to the SVI and apply the ip policy but the traffic continues to...
In a way yes. It's more a network required internet breakout. R1 and R3 need to use ISP 1 and R2, R4 & R5 need to use ISP2.
Are you thinking I should be applying a distance metric to the router id based on the router source?
I had another thought earlier but I may have read too many...
Hi, I'm bit of a nomad in IT.
I've been trying in GNS to come up with a configuration to filter out my external links in OSPF to some routers but not others. It's part of the way but the more I think into how this is going to be completed, I'm beginning to see it will be more complicated. So...
On a 3750, I've got vlan 3 and 4. Enabled IP routing.
int vlan 3
ip address
int vlan 4
ip address
Set my PC's gateway's to those IP addresses but I can't ping between vlans.
Hi, hope you're all well.
I'm moving towards VRRP and OSPF for the routing between each site (4/5 sites). Currently we're routing off some old school Firewalls with L3 VPN routing between 3 sites via the ISP Connectivity. As the budget won't stretch to get some new core switches and firewalls...
Hey Everyone.
Heard that Aastra now do an Active Voice Recording solution. Is this true? Anyone know if it's a Dual Media Stream from the Handset or a handoff from the recording connection?
after changing it to SIP try logging into the phone via the browser to setup the remainder of you settings.
Default password will be Ericsson or Telephone
firmware on the handsets and the IPLU. Was this a migration or a fresh installation. Sounds like a resource issue. I believe the minimum firmware for 4.1SP1 is R7A....Not 100% on the command anymore but I believe its one of those linux ones....
Board_list -bpos XXX-XXX-XXX
Actually I'm...
An absolutely horrific way to do it and I mean horrific would be to setup putty to match the port speed and then copy and paste the information from the putty output to excel. TBH i wouldn't try that EVER only maybe in....well maybe not. Try some software on a evulation basis. Then have a few...
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