Pretty sure the only workable solution would be to program the Call Steal function: steal the call from a user, then drop it to free up the line for an emergency call.
I don't believe there is a way to force drop a call on another extension.
Hi Avalon,
We sometimes get the same problem with analogue aux groups.
As long as BT have definitely set it to 500ms at the exchange, we have our systems set to 120ms (Line > Analogue Options > Disconnect Clear) and this seems to resolve the issue.
Try changing your IPO to this and, if it...
Hello all,
Thank you all again for your help.
We rebooted the CCU on Friday and the phones are coming up today. I can only assume the changes made by the IT company have worked and a reboot was needed for the system to see it?
Anyway; thanks again!
Thank you, nnaarrnn.
I will give this a try; though it is not something I've done before I have read up on the how.
Thank you again to everyone for your responses.
UDP port 1720 is now removed. Everything else still in place port-wise.
All H323 inspection is turned off on the device. Still getting the same thing on Monitor.
Model of Cisco equipment (in case it helps!);
ASA Version 8.2(1)
Device manager 6.2(3)
Hardware ASA 5505
Thank you, Gunnaro.
I've got a list of what they've set up, doesn't appear to match up with what I asked for!
UDP 49152-53247
UDP 1718
UDP 1719
UDP 1720
UDP 5060
TCP 5060
ICMP (said they've opened this up for the device, not sure what ICMP means)
TCP 1720
TCP 5005
Could it be causing issues...
Hi, tlpeter, thanks for your response.
Yes, all remote worker/extn enabled on the port VoIP settings and against the user and extension.
Their IT company are making another change so I'll be testing it again today. Appreciate all the input thus far.
Thank you, gwebster.
Managed to get the Firmware up to 6.3116 but can't seem to get it any higher; have the latest FW (6.4-odd) on the Manager PC with the system pointing to this for upgrades.
Is there anything else you could suggest?
Hello tek-tips,
I am hoping you can help me.
I have tried to get this working myself from the past threads on here but I'm having no joy, hopefully it's something easy you'll see immediately.
9608 handset configured with WAN IP of main system site, ports forwarded on Cisco router (unsure of...
When I last had this issue it was the phone not upgraded properly.
I had to get the remote phone put back in to the main office (as something was going squiffy pulling updates over the net) and configured for local use on the system; it upgraded and we could log it in/use it fine, continued to...
Gunnar; it' what has been required of me, so just relaying from my experience.
Can't be sure if it's users moving to offices all over the country or what, but that's how I've needed it setup to work -shrug-
For multiple group overflows you put it all on the first group
Group A - Overflow - 15 seconds
Group B
Group C
This will overflow from A to B after 15 seconds, then to C after a further 15 seconds.
For more "complex" setups you could do;
Group B
Group B
Group C
Group D
If you wanted it to...
Cisco, Draytek, Technicolour; these are some of the models we have 96-series phones working through.
All we've ever had to configure on the handset
HTTP / HTTPS / CallServ / FileServ with the WAN IP of the main site. As long as all the relevant ports are forwarded on the routers it should be fine.
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