1. Configure IPSec on your machine (must be on your discs from AIX 4.3 and up).
2. Create an IP rule to drop icmp echo_request packets.
I hope it works...
Unix was made by and for smart people.
Don't know exactly why, but the problem is gone, and rmnfsexp, exportfs, mknfsexp[/tt], startsrc, stopsrc neither editing or erasing /etc/xtab or /etc/exports or rebooting worked.
I hope it works...
Unix was made by and for smart people.
This machine had running AIX 5.1 for months, was moved (to another city), and is a machine used for IBM ITTS Training Courses (Q1313, Q1314, Q1316).
It stopped booting when returning to permanent location. I reinstalled it (using the preservation method once, a new and complete overwrite once...
Hello, where can I find what a Operator Panel 581 code means when booting (a 43P 140).
I have AIX 5.1 no fixes.
I hope it works...
Unix was made by and for smart people.
And, if you use netstat -nr it will show you same information, but using IP numbers not names...
I hope it works...
Unix was made by and for smart people.
You can't choose the minimun file system sizes when installing, then it's a no-brainer. You can install AIX 4.3.3 on 450MB and 5x on 650MB without problems.
I hope it works...
Unix was made by and for smart people.
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