Could be a setting in the NIC setup in windows that is in your base image that is causing a problem
device manager, network adapters, select physical adapter, right click properties, power management tab
play around with these settings, toggle them off, then back on, test things (yes off...
Now working with Aloha 12.3.43
Back in my Aloha TS 6.7 days I could edit an item.dbf file in excel then save it in the dbase 4 format
Place the file back in the newdata folder and do a refresh and the data would import correctly into aloha
Is this still possible in newer versions, The file...
You cannot do an upgrade from a 32bit version of Windows (any flavor) to a 64 bit version. Going to a 64 bit version requires a clean install and then reinstall of all applications. If you are into a CLEAN install ignore the following 32bit rant:-)
You CAN upgrade to a 32 bit version of...
and... maybe not quite as easy and possibly another source of install issues the epson TM Virtual Port Driver lets you install a virtual serial port for a USB printer (I can't remember if it requires the USB driver though) The serial port card is really the easy way out.
not a fix for your situation but an easy workaround
Have you thought about putting a serial interface in your t88iii No driver necessary and I always found USB printers to be problematic in Aloha anyway. Serial cards for the t88's can be found for <$20 on ebay or usually just lying around...
just to be clear, each night when the batch file above runs, a zip file named the same as the dated folder for that date will be created in archdir
on May 5 2017 a zip file named will be created containing a folder named 20170505
that folder will contain all the files that were...
Moved from Aloha Tableservice to the onePOS system (was not my choosing)
Anyone else here on onePOS
just want to share tips and get advice like what happens here with Aloha and Micros
want to find yourself REALLY alone....
Just try to google onePOS and ..... anything... You will find...
You should always come back and tell us what the outcome of your situation is/was
others can learn from what you learned
I can share lanacfg with you
there is also sometimes a flag that is simply an empty text file named OK that needs to be present
I can't remember the exact details of...
I know this is a little late but this does exactly what you asked
I am no longer working with aloha we have moved to onePOS
(I hate onePOS, but that's what I am stuck with)
This worked fine with Aloha 6.7 2 years ago and as long as they still have winhook.bat should work today
If I...
That's what I thought. Is a trans log a linear file so that as time goes on the transactions are further down into the file. If so I guess you should be able to split in a hex editor when you find the correct ticket number and merge the ending with an empty log if you have a log with multiple...
How about moving the data to a 32bit machine, doing the commands then moving it back..... or running a live cd version of windows like barts pe or windows pe (win7 install disk) and running it from that command prompt. shift-f10 will get you to a command prompt before the install phase when...
below and attached is terminalserverenable.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Terminal Server]
Also, if you are manually configuring ip adressing (NOT using DHCP)
go to adapter settings TCP/IP IPv4 properties, advanced, WINS tab
put a dot by enable Netbios over TCP/IP
Windows 7 is not like XP, you can change from IDE to AHCI after install
I would install the latest drivers for my boot drive controller and make a system restore point first
You start with step 1 while you are still in IDE mode.
1) Run the Registry Editor (regedit.exe)
2) Navigate to...
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