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Win 7 Term will not start (wants to be file server) - Aloha 12.3.46

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Technical User
Apr 3, 2017
This is my first go with a Win 7 terminal - This is a Lab system.

I used the term installer as I do not have RAL installed on the BOH.

I have verified that the environmental variables are in place, and I have connectivity between the 2 systems (can see and copy data between both the BOH and the Term)
I have turned off UAC on the term

This is the only Term

Any help at getting this going would be much appreciated!

This is the Term Debout:
Apr 20, 09:30:30.910089, [3024], [INFO], [], "String Resources: Could not load iberdir."
Apr 20, 09:30:30.960089, [3024], [INFO], [], "LoadIberStrings() - Loaded version, IBERSTR.DLL"
Apr 20, 09:30:30.990089, [3024], [INFO], [], ""
Apr 20, 09:30:30.990089, [3024], [INFO], [], "................................................................"
Apr 20, 09:30:30.990089, [3024], [INFO], [], "IBERQS started... version"
Apr 20, 09:30:30.990089, [3024], [INFO], [], "Parent process name: unknown parent process name"
Apr 20, 09:30:30.990089, [3024], [INFO], [], "Parent process id: 3048"
Apr 20, 09:30:30.990089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "Renderer initialized with type: GDIPLUS."
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "Terminal is automatically set to mastercapable because servercapable is set to true"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "***************************************************"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "ENVIRONMENT START"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "***************************************************"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\ProgramData"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "APPDATA=C:\Users\kudzu\AppData\Roaming"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "AUTOEXIT=TRUE"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "CALIBRATE=C:\bootdrv\AlohaQS\bin\calib.exe"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "COMPUTERNAME=TERM1"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "ComSpec=C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "DOUBLECLICK=TRUE"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "EDCPATH=\\ALOHABOH\BOOTDRV\AlohaQS\EDC"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "FP_NO_HOST_CHECK=NO"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "HOMEDRIVE=C:"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "HOMEPATH=\Users\kudzu"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "IBERROOT=AlohaQS"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "LOCALAPPDATA=C:\Users\kudzu\AppData\Local"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "LOCALDIR=C:\Bootdrv\AlohaQS"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "LOGONSERVER=\\TERM1"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "MASTERCAPABLE=TRUE"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=4"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "NUMTERMS=1"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "OS=Windows_NT"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "Path=C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "PATHEXT=.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=x86"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432=AMD64"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "PROCESSOR_LEVEL=6"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "PROCESSOR_REVISION=2a07"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "ProgramData=C:\ProgramData"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files (x86)"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "ProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "PROMPT=$P$G"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "PSModulePath=C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "PUBLIC=C:\Users\Public"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "REBOOTNT=TRUE"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "SERVER=ALOHABOH"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "SERVERCAPABLE=TRUE"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "SESSIONNAME=Console"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "SystemDrive=C:"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "SystemRoot=C:\Windows"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "TEMP=C:\Users\kudzu\AppData\Local\Temp"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "TERM=1"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "TERMSTR=TERM"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "TMP=C:\Users\kudzu\AppData\Local\Temp"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "USERDOMAIN=TERM1"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "USERNAME=kudzu"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "USERPROFILE=C:\Users\kudzu"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "windir=C:\Windows"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "windows_tracing_flags=3"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "windows_tracing_logfile=C:\BVTBin\Tests\installpackage\csilogfile.log"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "***************************************************"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "ENVIRONMENT END"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "***************************************************"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], " OS, CPU AND MEMORY INFORMATION"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.100089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "OS = Operating system is Windows 7 (BuildNumber 7601, Platform 2, Version 6.1, Service Pack 1)"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.330089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "WMI: OS = Microsoft Windows 7 Professional N, Architecture 64-bit, Work Station, Version 6.1.7601, Service Pack 1"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.330089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "CPU TYPE = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.330089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "CPU SPEED = 3392 MHz"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.330089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "TOTAL PHYSICAL MEMORY = 8589402112 Bytes"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.330089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.330089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], " OS, CPU AND MEMORY INFORMATION"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.330089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.330089, [3024], [INFO], [Startup], "COM libraries have been initialized"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.330089, [3024], [INFO], [], "Unable to initialize security descriptor. RetVal 80010119"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.340089, [3024], [INFO], [], "RFS over Aloha File System enabled."
Apr 20, 09:30:31.390089, [3024], [INFO], [], "COMMessagingListener::InstantiateFromProgId() CLSID Radiant.Hospitality.AlohaToGo.Intercept.AlohaToGoIntercept"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.390089, [3024], [ERROR], [], "COMMessagingListener - Unable to get ClassId Radiant.Hospitality.AlohaToGo.Intercept.AlohaToGoIntercept"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.390089, [3024], [INFO], [], "COMMessagingListener::InstantiateFromProgId() CLSID Alohaintercept.Alohaintercept"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.390089, [3024], [ERROR], [], "COMMessagingListener - Unable to get ClassId Alohaintercept.Alohaintercept"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.390089, [3024], [INFO], [], "COMMessagingListener::InstantiateFromProgId() CLSID AlohaQSR.AlohaQSR.1"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.390089, [3024], [ERROR], [], "COMMessagingListener - Unable to get ClassId AlohaQSR.AlohaQSR.1"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.390089, [3024], [INFO], [], "COMMessagingListener::InstantiateFromProgId() CLSID AlohaSF.AlohaSF.1"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.390089, [3024], [ERROR], [], "COMMessagingListener - Unable to get ClassId AlohaSF.AlohaSF.1"
Apr 20, 09:30:31.390089, [3024], [INFO], [], "Blocking interceptors not activated, loading just stub."
Apr 20, 09:30:32.180091, [3024], [INFO], [], "Begin initializing network..."
Apr 20, 09:30:32.180091, [3024], [INFO], [], "NetManagerInit() using Aloha Network"
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3024], [INFO], [], "Start Receiving Datagrams..."
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3024], [INFO], [], "Done initializing network."
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3396], [WARNING], [AlohaNetInfo], "Begin of available adapters list"
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3396], [WARNING], [AlohaNetInfo], "Adapter Name : {4A124E2F-6347-44E6-A057-368A7E2E5D4D}"
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3396], [WARNING], [AlohaNetInfo], "Adapter Description: Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection"
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3396], [WARNING], [AlohaNetInfo], "IP Address :"
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3396], [WARNING], [AlohaNetInfo], "IP Mask :"
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3396], [WARNING], [AlohaNetInfo], "Gateway :"
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3396], [WARNING], [AlohaNetInfo], "DHCP Enabled : No"
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3396], [WARNING], [AlohaNetInfo], "End of available adapters list"
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3396], [WARNING], [AlohaNetInfo], "Discovery::BroadcastIdentityMessage()"
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3400], [INFO], [], "SystemSendStatusThread() starting"
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3024], [INFO], [Downtime], "Determining Master And Fileserver"
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3404], [INFO], [], "** CheckTermTimeoutsThread() starting"
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3024], [INFO], [Downtime], "Last Master 0"
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3024], [INFO], [Downtime], "Last Fileserver "
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3024], [INFO], [], "Local DOB is 4/9/2017 in C:\Bootdrv\AlohaQS\DATA\Aloha.ini (04 09 2017)"
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3024], [INFO], [Downtime], "AutoMakeFileserver: FALSE"
Apr 20, 09:30:32.190091, [3024], [INFO], [Downtime], "Start DetermineMaster()..."
Apr 20, 09:30:32.580091, [3396], [WARNING], [AlohaNetInfo], "Identity CTLSVR from state changed to ACTIVE"
Apr 20, 09:30:33.195692, [3396], [WARNING], [AlohaNetInfo], "UnicastChannel::BroadcastMessage will use default gateway: for routing to host:"
Apr 20, 09:30:33.195692, [3392], [WARNING], [AlohaNetInfo], "GetAddressForInterface id 11 returned for address"
Apr 20, 09:30:33.195692, [3392], [WARNING], [AlohaNetInfo], "GetAddressForInterface id 11 returned for address"
Apr 20, 09:31:33.006197, [3024], [INFO], [Downtime], "The lowest terminal ID from found is 1"
Apr 20, 09:31:33.006197, [3024], [INFO], [Downtime], "Local Terminal 1 asserts it is master since there are no others"
Apr 20, 09:31:33.006197, [3024], [INFO], [Downtime], "DetermineMaster() done. Master Term = 1"
Apr 20, 09:31:33.006197, [3024], [INFO], [NBNET], "Initializing network..."
Apr 20, 09:31:33.006197, [3024], [INFO], [], "NBReset32: WinNT and NUMTERMS=16, upping max number of sessions from 16 (default) to 21"
Apr 20, 09:31:33.006197, [3024], [INFO], [], "NBReset32: TOTALNETBIOSSESSIONS=50, overriding previous max number of sessions to this value."
Apr 20, 09:31:33.037397, [3024], [INFO], [], "Node = 1 String = 'B'"
Apr 20, 09:31:33.037397, [3024], [INFO], [NBNET], "NBInit()-> Before NBAddName()-> StationName = "IBERB ""
Apr 20, 09:31:36.095003, [3024], [INFO], [NBNET], "NBInit()-> After NBAddName()-> StationNumber = 2"
Apr 20, 09:31:36.095003, [3024], [INFO], [NBNET], "NBInit()-> Before NBAddGroupName()-> SessionName = "IBERLINK""
Apr 20, 09:31:39.152608, [3024], [INFO], [NBNET], "NBInit()-> After NBAddGroupName()-> SessionNumber = 3"
Apr 20, 09:31:39.152608, [3024], [INFO], [NBNET], "Station number 2, session 3"
Apr 20, 09:31:39.152608, [3024], [INFO], [NBNET], "Network initialization complete."
Apr 20, 09:31:39.152608, [3024], [INFO], [NBNET], "PosTimeoutLogger: NBInit took 6146 milliseconds. Our threshold is 5000 ms"
Apr 20, 09:31:39.152608, [3024], [INFO], [Downtime], "Start DetermineFileServer()..."
Apr 20, 09:31:39.152608, [3024], [INFO], [Downtime], "ConnectToServer: Unable to connect to RfsSvr on the FileServer."
Apr 20, 09:31:49.199026, [3024], [INFO], [Downtime], "ConnectToServer: Unable to connect to RfsSvr on the FileServer."
I am starting to think it is a Lana issue, but I do not have the lanacfg.exe util to check - can someone share it with me?
I know this is a little old, but were you able to get the terminal to see the server?
You should always come back and tell us what the outcome of your situation is/was

others can learn from what you learned

I can share lanacfg with you

there is also sometimes a flag that is simply an empty text file named OK that needs to be present

I can't remember the exact details of that at the moment but if you search your Aloha folder for OK and you find it then you are probably good from that aspect. If you don't find it then that could be the problem

It is probably the Data or the newdata where that should be

respond and we will see what can be done

ok file is in data folder. If you are stuck on sync system, this is usually missing. For the issue they described, I find restarting the ctlsvr service will solve this issue, if you have done everything else, and its not a new terminal

An Aloha POS 3rd Party support Solution company.
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I did get this running

Lana was a red herring - I did get a version of Lana cfg utility that worked and was able to rule that out.
I applied the 14.x pre-reqs (do not have the 12 x ones and they are not online anymore) still was having issues and it
turned out to be the SERVER environment variable on the BOH did not match what was on the term.

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