Technical User
Looking for a few useful pointers out there. I just recently picked up my A+ cert, and I am looking to wedge my way into the IT field somehow. I've always had the experience with the systems (building, troubleshooting, hardware, software, networking), but have not to this point tried to pursue anything in the field.
Beyond IT I have many management, customer service skills on my resume, coupled with the fact that i've been "the computer guy" at a couple of the jobs I've had, along with my self experience.
When trying to get in, for a helpdesk position or something along those lines (troubleshooting of somekind), what exactly are the employers trying to look for in entry level positions such as these.
I appreciate any input from those who do it and hire people like me. My next step will be to hit the Net+ cert, as I am pretty comfortable already with that skillset as well.
Looking for a few useful pointers out there. I just recently picked up my A+ cert, and I am looking to wedge my way into the IT field somehow. I've always had the experience with the systems (building, troubleshooting, hardware, software, networking), but have not to this point tried to pursue anything in the field.
Beyond IT I have many management, customer service skills on my resume, coupled with the fact that i've been "the computer guy" at a couple of the jobs I've had, along with my self experience.
When trying to get in, for a helpdesk position or something along those lines (troubleshooting of somekind), what exactly are the employers trying to look for in entry level positions such as these.
I appreciate any input from those who do it and hire people like me. My next step will be to hit the Net+ cert, as I am pretty comfortable already with that skillset as well.