I sometimes find myself spending more time reading threads and researching others questions than I do working on my own projects. I'm guessing that most of you have found yourself in the same boat at times, you run across an interesting thread and 2 hours later you are wrapping up a new function or process that may be great but has contributed nothing to your current project. Obviously it's not all bad I become a better programmer every day because of TT, which benefits my employer, but how fair is that. In my own defense I do spend a considerable amount of time at home working on my employers project, by choice not by necessity. I'm considering looking for a TTA meeting, Tek-Tips Anonymous, because this site is truly addictive. Anyway I just wanted to get feedback from other Tek-Tips-oholics and see where you stand on the issue, are you guys and gals honestly spending too much time here. If you do I can't blame you, this is the best technical forum on the web, Thanks Tek-Tips Management.