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Politically (in)correct 11

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Jun 6, 2002
Well, we can discuss this for hours, months, years, eons on end, but let's limit this to the current event : christmas.

Why on earth are people trying to take christmas away from the christians? December 25th *IS* christmas, and sorry to break it to you all, PC-people, but all these countries, built on christian roots, have a christian tradition.
I don't want to see "Winter break" or "winter holidays" or "whatever".
If you really, really want it to be done properly, remove the holidays altogether, because I really can't see why christians and jews would have off around that time of the year and other people wouldn't, or why people would have off when they don't even believe in the stupid happenings.
Establish a real calendar with all the holidays in the world, make people prove their religious affiliation, and then give off to people specifically for those holidays.
Now the madness is complete.

-Haben sie fosforos?
-No tiengo caballero, but I have un briquet.
That means you don't get to participate... ?

"That time in Seattle... was a nightmare. I came out of it dead broke, without a house, without anything except a girlfriend and a knowledge of UNIX."
"Well, that's something," Avi says. "Normally those two are mutually exclusive."
-- Neal Stephenson, "Cryptonomicon"
I can, but I choose not to. If and when moderator action is required, it is much easier to do so as an objective moderator, then as a biased participant who changes hat in the middle of the discussion.

So unless something is totally out of bounds and needs immediate attention, if I take part in a discussion, then someone else is moderating.

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein

<aside>I don't want to carry us off farther into the weeds, but my curiosity got the better of me after reading your original signature.</aside>
-Haben sie fosforos?
-No tiengo caballero, but I have un briquet.
I'm guessing that the translation(s) are:

(German): "Do you have matches?"
(Spanglish): "I haven't, sir, but I have a briquet."
My question(s): Where did this dialogue originate and what was there about it that caught your fancy?
(BTW, Spanish for "I haven't..." is "No tengo..."[2thumbsup]

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[ Providing low-cost remote Database Admin services]
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If and when moderator action is required
CC ... Why would moderator intervention be needed in a post entitled "Politically (in)corect" which has developed into religious opinions? What could possibly go wrong? [laughtears]

(Unabashedly Politically Incorrect)
My father is italian and moved to France, where he met my mother (who is french, as you may have guessed). He is fluent in French, Italian, English, German, and speaks a little Spanish.
I am fluent in French, English and Italian. I speak a little German (only 9 years in school.. haha), and when I have time I'll go learn some more like Arab, Russian, Japanese, Chinese (well, who knows if I ever really will learn them, but I'd like to).
We both enjoy languages, and playing with them. It's not uncommon for him to speak in one language and me to reply in another. My previous signature is something he told me once, and I found it very funny, as he had. Who knows where it originated, maybe with more polyglot friends of his :)

By the way, 'fosforos' is also spanish! *laugh* I didn't know 'briquet' was a proper english word : "un briquet" is french for "a lighter" :)
Thank you for the correction; it felt wrong when I wrote it but I wasn't sure why.

I found myself very confused once, because I was reading a website (looking for information on a part of Dante's Divine Comedy). I started reading the english text, and realized after a while it had turned to Italian. It had all made sense all along, and I had to re-read it three times to find the language split.

"That time in Seattle... was a nightmare. I came out of it dead broke, without a house, without anything except a girlfriend and a knowledge of UNIX."
"Well, that's something," Avi says. "Normally those two are mutually exclusive."
-- Neal Stephenson, "Cryptonomicon"
CBL : since it was your signature which inspired me to create the thread, I'd tread lightly!

"That time in Seattle... was a nightmare. I came out of it dead broke, without a house, without anything except a girlfriend and a knowledge of UNIX."
"Well, that's something," Avi says. "Normally those two are mutually exclusive."
-- Neal Stephenson, "Cryptonomicon"
The problem with being an atheist is they dont have any holidays. (tongue in cheek)


r937 : I thought the Saturday was the equivalent of the Sabbath.. ?
On the other hand, I also thought we had sundays off because God rested on the seventh day.
That's a good question, I don't really know WHY we have saturdays and sundays off, historically..

--- NOT --- that I am complaining :)

"That time in Seattle... was a nightmare. I came out of it dead broke, without a house, without anything except a girlfriend and a knowledge of UNIX."
"Well, that's something," Avi says. "Normally those two are mutually exclusive."
-- Neal Stephenson, "Cryptonomicon"
==>On the other hand, I also thought we had sundays off because God rested on the seventh day.
Are you sure that Sunday is the Seventh Day?

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
I was very surprised upon coming to the US when I discovered that your week begins on sunday. In Europe, it begins on monday :)

"That time in Seattle... was a nightmare. I came out of it dead broke, without a house, without anything except a girlfriend and a knowledge of UNIX."
"Well, that's something," Avi says. "Normally those two are mutually exclusive."
-- Neal Stephenson, "Cryptonomicon"
Thanks to all who have posted their thoughts - it doesn't get much more personal than this. This is the most civil and open religion discussion I've seen yet on TT.

My very simple observation is this: children adopt the religion or non-religion of their parents. The end. Christians (like me) become Christians because that's how we were raised. The same is surely true for Muslim, Jewish or Hindu children - their parents raised them in that particular faith.

When children gain their maturity they also gain the right to question their religious beliefs, and either renew, transfer or cancel them.

Infants believe in Mom. When they are a bit older, they believe whatever they are told (in my world, that meant being dragged to Sunday School whether you wanted to go or not).

At some point, yes, the [red]heart[/red] genuinely comes into play - do you [blue]believe[/blue] or not? THAT is the question, at least for mature, adult belief systems.

Thus ends my ever-simple thoughts.

One last observation: As I read this thead, I admit to being a bit stunned at the number of non-believers. It just never occurred to me to not believe in a higher power. The way I was brought up led me to think everyone believed in something, even if their beliefs were different from mine.

I'm 41, and growing up is still hard.

Best wishes to all, regardless.


I love logging onto Tek-Tips. It's always so exciting to see what the hell I
said yesterday.
In the ancient (I don't know about the modern) Jewish calendar, days were measured from sundown to sundown. Thus the sabbath day included the prior evening. It spanned parts of Saturday and Sunday. Christian denominations which recognize a sabbath can justify having it on either Saturday or Sunday because of this historical oddity.

Here's where I act just like I've been describing, so mea culpa in advance: The concept of a "Christian Sabbath" is ironic, since according to the Christian Greek scriptures, Christ "did away with" or "completed" the Law. Therefore, Christians have no obligation to honor the sabbath day whatsoever, any more than they do to conduct animal sacrifices.

Thomas D. Greer
Turkbear said:
People may indeed be born as 'seekers' but not necessarily as 'believers'...

I believe it was P. T. Barnum that said, "There's a seeker born every minute!" [bigsmile]
religion or non-religion of their parents. The end. Christians (like me) become Christians because that's how we were raised. The same is surely true for Muslim, Jewish or Hindu children - their parents raised them in that particular faith.
Religion is the great dividor.
How can one admit that the basis for all that they believe in is WRONG"
I am a Christian but not an evangelical. I am not so sure that there isn't more than one answer to the same question.
I tend to accept the Physicians oath. (also copier techs) "First do no harm"


Jomama said:
Religion is the great dividor (sic).
Jo, In the absence of any proof/scholarly arguments/definitive anecdotes, I would assert that students of debate, logic, and rhetoric, would declare your contention "Unsupported" at this point.

Would you like to try it again...this time with a higher rhetorical standard?

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[ Providing low-cost remote Database Admin services]
Click here to join Utah Oracle Users Group on Tek-Tips if you use Oracle in Utah USA.
Tim, Jo,

I'm 45.

It doesn't get easier. [smile]

However, Mufasa, learning to tune out assertions made by 'students of debate, logic and rhetoric' has made it less painful. [smile] [wink]

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