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New look website

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Apr 9, 2000
Congratulations to Tek-Tips on the new look website. I'm sure some additional comments from users in this forum would be appropriate and appreciated


VisFox Version 6 User / Windows ME
Hi LlomaxX

No Idon't think that will work, but maybe you could spare me the MobilSpeedpass.ico file awaiting the possibility to download the TekTipLogo file so that I can change the nothing saying explorer icon.


Medic / All,

The login problem seems to have been solved. Now, when I go to the home page, I am automatically logged in, just like before the new look. At least, that was the case when I tried it just now.


Mike Lewis
Edinburgh, Scotland

My Visual Foxpro web site: My Crystal Reports web site:
Also when you get email notification of an update on a thread and you click on the link, that's working too!


VisFox Version 6 User / Windows ME
So, it looks like all the problems have been solved, with one exception: the fact that updated threads no longer appear in bold in My Threads. I hope they fix that soon.


Mike Lewis
Edinburgh, Scotland

My Visual Foxpro web site: My Crystal Reports web site:

with one exception

One more exception, cannot see anyone's profile, including my own.

Mike Gagnon

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ184-2483 first.

It seems that the search functionality is not "as it used to be". As a test I searched for excel, ticked only this group and received "thousands" of messages from all TekTip groups.

Hi Koen

I've noticed this, a way round for the time being is to select the options "Just my forums" however if you have a large list, then problems!

I'm sure this is just another crease that Tek-Tips are ironing out in the background


VisFox Version 6 User / Windows ME
Mike wrote:
"Maybe it's my imagination, but it seems a bit faster now as well"

Haven't popped in for a while, so this is the first time I've seent he revamped site. I definately noticed a huge speed increase over the old version. Superb work guys! :)

"My Threadminder" just got better. Nice readable typeface. Reasonable spacing between forum names. (I wouldn't call it 'ample', though.)

"My Threads" still need to show updated threads in bold. Although they do jump to the top and have that yellow-highlighted tag "New" in the left upper corner, it's just not the same.

Still some overlapping and repainting issues exist in left and right panels. When I run mous pointer over them, most of them correct themselves, but not all and not always.

Member profiles are still out of service, but search seems to work (don't know, correct or not, but it's doing something).

As for 'faster"... Don't know, didn't notice significant time saving. But now it logs me out much more often, and I don't use "Remember me" option. Constant logging back in can get somewhat annoying.

But it seems to improve little by little everyday.

Do you have cookies turned off? If you do, then it will log you off after ~20 minutes. With cookies (for at least you shouldn't be logged off by the site - of course your ISP may be a different story!


Do you have cookies turned off?

Not really. My privacy level is set to Medium. 20 minutes? I don't know. I got to watch the clock next time around. I don't know anything about my ISP, either. I am at work and connecting through network proxy server.

It could be some logging out pattern, but I am not sure yet. It often happens when I try to preview or submit my post (or, possibly, by the time I am done typing my time is up?).

Like 2 minutes ago, when I tried to preview this one. It gave me a message that posts are accepted from members only, and there was no "My Threadminder" on the left side. So I had to go a step back, copy the text of the post, log back in, paste the text back, then type this additional paragraph.


It seems that Keyword Search cannot handle the "This Forum only" option.
Looks good, and getting better.

Previous site had the username as the first tabstop. Now I have to use the mouse to select it.


Hi Stella,

Yes, I noticed. They promised it to me via email, and came thru on their promise. I'm a happy camper now.


"My Threads" still need to show updated threads in bold. Although they do jump to the top and have that yellow-highlighted tag "New" in the left upper corner, it's just not the same.

I handn't noticed the "New" flag. Now you point it out, I agree that it is does help a bit, although it would be more consistent to show updated thread titles in bold, as that's how they appear in the other parts of the forum.

I'm not sure I agree with your comment about the readable typeface. I think "My threads" looks generally more crowded and less legible than before. But I guess I'll get used to it.


Mike Lewis
Edinburgh, Scotland

My Visual Foxpro web site: My Crystal Reports web site:


I'm not sure I agree with your comment about the readable typeface. I think "My threads" looks generally more crowded and less legible than before.

Mike, I was talking about "My Threadminder", which is that forum list on the left panel right below the controls, and compared it not to how it looked before all the changes started, but to the way it looked right after the changes appeared.

If you scroll back a little, you will see that I complained about the crowded look of "My Threadminder", overlapping of the forums' and forum groups' title, etc. A few days later "My Threadminder" improved a little, although overlapping once in a while still not completely gone.

As for "My threads", I agree with you, the typeface is worse then it used to be, crowded page and updated threads are not showing in bold. Well, let's wait; maybe it's going to settle, too.


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