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IRRITATING words and expressions 3

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Sep 18, 2006
UNDOCUMENTED ALIEN -- "If they haven't followed the law to get here, they are by definition 'illegal.' It's like saying a drug dealer is an 'undocumented pharmacist.'" -- John Varga, Westfield, New Jersey.

As with all threads on MaI and STC, I can offer you the words of wisdom from the comic geius George Carlin, taken from original his book "Napalm and Silly Putty" and then on the "Explicit Lyrics" CD, then into his live act.

George Carlin said:
You will not hear me say: bottom line, game plan, role model, scenario, or hopefully. I will not kick back, mellow out, or be on a roll. I will not go for it and I will not check it out; I don't even know what it is. And when I leave here I definitely will not boogie. I promise not to refer to anyone as a class act, a beautiful person or a happy camper. I will also not be saying "what a guy." And you will not hear me refer to anyone's lifestyle. If you want to know what a moronic word "lifestyle" is, all you have to do is realize that in a technical sense, Atilla the Hun had an active outdoor lifestyle. I will also not be saying any cute things like "moi." And I will not use the French adverb "tre" to modify any English adjectives. Such as "tre awesome," "tre gnarly," "tre fabou," "tre intense," or "tre out-of-sight." I will not say concept when I mean idea. I will not say impacted when I mean affected. There will be no hands-on state-of-the-art networking. We will not maximize, prioritize, or finalize...and we definitely will not interface. There will also...there will also be no new-age lingo spoken here tonight. No support-group jargon from the human potential movement. For instance, I will not share anything with you. I will not relate to you and you will not identify with me. I will give you no input, and I will expect no feedback. This will not be a learning experience, nor will it be a growth period. There'll be no sharing, no caring, no birthing, no bonding, no parenting, no nurturing. We will not establish a relationship, we will not have any meaningful dialogue and we definitely will not spend any quality time. We will not be supportive of one another, so that we can get in touch with our feelings in order to feel good about ourselves. And if you're one of those people who needs a little space...please...go the #### outside.

If you haven't heard/read Georges stuff, you HAVE TO. He is simply amazing at what he does.

For those of you who don't know him, you may recognise him as:

RUFUS : Bill and Ted movies
Fillmour : Cars (Voice of)
The Architecht : Scary Movie 3
Cardinal Ignius Glick : Dogma (thought to be God untill the revolation at the end)
Original narator for US Thomas the Tank Engine.

Neil J Cotton
Technical Consultant
Anix Group Ltd
Well after doing a gogl and finding a YT vid about his view on God... put it this way... Not good
I once got an old George Carlin audio tape at a yard sale (when I was a child). I thought it was hilarious all the way until the very last joke on the tape. It told me all I wanted to know about his view of God. To me, it was truly sad.


"If to err is human, then I must be some kind of human!" -Me
You have to remember comedians are entertainers, they deliver jokes. And not always/never actually reflect the PERFORMERS opinion.

Tom Cruise never fought off Giant martian fighting machines, nor did he blow up planes as a fighter pilot. You don't get mad at him if you don't support war.

Neil J Cotton
Technical Consultant
Anix Group Ltd
Personally I like people asking me if they can ask a question because they are actually acknowledging that I may be doing something other than sitting idly at my desk hoping that they would call or drop by.

I consider it a sign of respect that they are asking if they can ask. If I'm busy I'll tell them "Not right now but I'll get back to you soon as I have time", otherwise I'll respond affirmatively.

I have people here that ask if they can ask and I will always show them the respect they show me. I also have people who come crashing into my consciousness, throw questions at me, and expect me to drop everything and tend to their needs first.

Just because my door was (unfortunately) unlocked does not move you to the top of the queue. This is not the drive-up window at McDonald's, so take a number and wait your turn.
MJ, very nice annalogy. I'll have to remember that.

However, the THEORY of the law of asking "Can I ask a question" is a pointless one, as that it's self is a question. Obviously, this in reality isn't the case, just one of those idosyncrasies.

Like if there is a storm, and everyone is looking at it bewilderingly, and someone says "Woow. Have you seen that weather"..... No one actually replies "Yes, of cause we have"

Neil J Cotton
Technical Consultant
Anix Group Ltd
I see you point Neil, I guess when one action annoys me (barging in & expecting immediate action/resolution) then the opposing action (asking if they can ask for help) becomes welcome or acceptable.

Asking if they can ask does not completely distract me from my current task where a quick "yes, I can" or "no, I can't" will suffice. The opposite action leaves me mentally floundering around trying to get my bearings after I let someone else intrude on my priorities and rearrange my agenda.

OK, I logged in as root & I wonder what I was going to do? Perhaps it's just me losing brain cells.
I get annoyed with the word "and" when it is used to single out one particular subset of a group of people that implies they are not part of that group, when they are.

For example:

"Doctors and medical professionals" - implication being that doctors are not medical professionals.

"UK and Europe" - UK is not part of Europe (ok you could argue this one based on geography, politics or currency, but lets not get there).

Tom Cruise never fought off Giant martian fighting machines, nor did he blow up planes as a fighter pilot. You don't get mad at him if you don't support war.

OK. This clears up a LOT for me.

I couldn't figure out why it took so long for the authorities in Bad Santa to catch up with Billy Bob Thornton considering his string of bank robberies in Bandits.

I was also confused as to why Magneto didn't just use "You shall not pass!" to stop Wolverine.

I was impressed with how Erin Brockovich rebounded from her prostitute past, but I wondered what happened to her relationship with Richard Gere (until I saw her later leave him at the altar).

I was really thrown for a loop about Gary Oldman. Is he a cop, presidential assassin, politician, punk rocker, or evil futuristic arms dealer?
Tom Cruise never fought off Giant martian fighting machines
No...but he believes Giant martians (or Xenudians) came in giant spaceships and ate the souls of humans. Sometimes truth (or what he belives as truth) is stranger than fiction.
Stationery / Stationary

Grocery store near me has the office supply and greeting card aisle marked as "Stationary". I always thing I should stand still for a while.....

I always thing I should stand still for a while.....

What about thing/think? ;-)
Not very fair but since Tom Cruise isn't the tallest guy around, those giants were probably just a bunch of regular guys in Volkswagen Beetle;-)

These are my most hated words/phrases. If they were already posted in this thread, my appology.

(1) Irregardless
Not a real god-damn word, so stop using it to sound smart.

(2) Conversate
Another word that doesn't exist.

(3) "Basically,..."
Highly over used by many people.

(4) ATM Machine
Redundant: ATM - Automated Teller Machine Machine

(5) PIN Number
Rredundant: Personal Identification Number Number

(6) Dahtuh
When IT people, of all people, pronounce data as (dahtuh) as opposed to (daytuh).

(7) "Can I ask you a question?"
You just did.

(8) Armed Gun Man (similar to Criminal Lawyer, Lethal Assassin)
Somehow, we figured that out.

(9) Friendly Fire
Sugar-coating a dangerous blunder

(10) Happy Birthday! (similar to Happy New Year)
The annual celebration of maintaining a post-umbilical pulse which makes many "accomplished" individuals feel either really special or really depressed since they will be joining us for yet another trip around the Sun.

(11) Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
Without amphetamines? Really?

(12) "If we leave now, they will follow us home."
Knowledge of the origin of quote increases value of humor

(13) "That's bad luck."
Just ask any fairy or elf and they will tell you what the consequence of the bad luck is.
Besides, it's bad luck to be superstitious.

By the way, I have also heard George Carlin's views on God and I found it amusing (as it was meant to be),

"Thank God, I'm an Atheist."

Deep Grewal
"Microsoft Works" - oxymoron
(6) Dahtuh
When IT people, of all people, pronounce data as (dahtuh) as opposed to (daytuh).
What's the problem with that one? Dictionary.com ( with the reference to Random House Unabridged Dictionary and American Heritage Dictionary, and some more, give both pronunciations as correct (dey-tuh, dat-uh, dah-tuh).

(11) Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
Without amphetamines? Really?

(12) "If we leave now, they will follow us home."
Knowledge of the origin of quote increases value of humor
Would you please divulge the origin of the quote?
I saw that thing/think typo after I hit submit. My fingers move faster than my brain sometimes.
I know that data can be pronounced 2 ways, now. It seems that in the 80s and before it was more commonly pronounced (daytuh). I have also looked it up in a dictionary, keeping in mind that slang and mispronounciations have found a home in the "English" dictionary.

RLS - Restless Leg Syndrome is a new affliction they are trying to tell hypochondria Americans about. It's when your legs cannot stop shaking. Obviously this is a fabricated disorder and helps the Doctors and drug companies obtain more FUNd$. We all know that vitamins are a good preventative measure, but prevention doesn't make money: treatment does. Hence, the FDS refuses to endorse something as simple and common as vitamins. It's like the people who don't believe in gravity.

"If we leave now, they will follow us home."
Let's play Jeopardy:
Hint 1: Some of his best friends include Alberto Gonzales, Karl Rove, Harriet Meyers among other goons.
Hint 2: A new scandal every week in this "political theater"!
Hint 3: He once tried to sell some shipping ports to the Saudis.
Hint 4: This man has a high attrition rate when it comes to his staff.
Hint 5: His running mate is a hunter with a horrible aim (so we think).

Who is ______ ____?

Deep Grewal
"Microsoft Works" - oxymoron
SantaMufasa said:
...Hurricane, Utah mispronounced "Hurr-cun"
In Eastern Alabama not far from where I grew up, that would be pronounced "Herr-i-ken" and it took me asking 2 people what was being said before I understood...

It seems that in the 80s and before it was more commonly pronounced (daytuh).
...keeping in mind that slang and mispronounciations have found a home in the "English" dictionary.

Well, pronunciation in the 80's alone doesn't carry that much weight. The language evolves, always did, always will. I didn't take any Latin classes, but I suspect that it was pronounced dah-tuh in Latin. Now, I never said that the words should forever keep their language-of-origin pronunciation and some other aspects (and a few times said the opposite to people who insisted on keeping the words "the Latin way"), but the origins do justify that pronunciation.

Obviously this is a fabricated disorder and helps the Doctors and drug companies obtain more FUNd$. We all know that vitamins are a good preventative measure

I don't know, I am not a doctor, it doesn't seem that obvious to me, and I don't feel I have enough knowledge to make that conclusion. On the other hand, I have a feeling there are many fabricated disorders.

Who is ______ ____?

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