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Search results for query: *

  1. luceze

    Excel Drop-Down Lists

    Hi CC, If you enter the letter first, then click the dropdown, the validation list will scroll to the first entry that starts with that letter. HTH, Eric
  2. luceze

    Need to disable a few keyboard keys

    Hello, Try this to disable keys: Sub DisableKeys() Application.OnKey "{PGDN}", "" Application.OnKey "{PGUP}", "" Application.OnKey "{UP}", "" Application.OnKey "{DOWN}", "" Application.OnKey "{LEFT}", "" Application.OnKey "{RIGHT}", "" End Sub To reenable: Sub...
  3. luceze

    Rotate a Text Box in Excel 2000

    I'm using 2003, but it should be the same. Right-click your diamond and select format autoshape. On the properties tab, make sure "Move and size with cells" is selected. HTH,
  4. luceze


    Hello, If you have XP or later this will work otherwise use the second one. Sub ListFiles() Dim Path As String Dim fName As String Dim fd As FileDialog Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) With fd .AllowMultiSelect = False If...
  5. luceze

    Counter in a query

    Thanks PHV and Roy. Roy,you were right about it creaming your resources. But it worked! Thanks again, Eric
  6. luceze

    Counter in a query

    Is there a way to make a counter in a query so that each record is numbered sequentially? 1,2,3,etc. There is no need to store these values. It is used as a reference to export data to a comma-delimited file that I have to upload to another piece of software. Thanks, Eric
  7. luceze

    Removing Macros with other Macros

    Hey Darryll, I am assuming that the macros that you are trying to delete always appear in the same order. In that case, if the the first 50 lines in the module "NewMacros" comprise the first two macros then this will delete the first fifty lines...
  8. luceze

    Removing Macros with other Macros

    You can use this to delete the first 3 lines in the module "module1". Sub DeleteSub() Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents("Module1") _ .codemodule.DeleteLines 1, 3 End Sub The 1 corresponds to the line to start deleting and the 3 is the number of lines you wish to...
  9. luceze

    Excel import using query

    Hey Mike, Assuming that you are using the wizard, on the last step, click the save button and select the path where you want to save the .dqy file. I would use the absolute path (\\Servername\folder\etc...) in case the other workstations have different drive mapping. If you want to change...
  10. luceze

    Rather Odd Situation in Excel Using VLOOKUP

    Hey Brooks, It seems that you are trying to compare two different data types. Make sure that both of your values are formatted the same. In this case you would probably want both formatted as text. HTH, Eric
  11. luceze

    Dealing with Excel files, columns and cells

    Going by your example you could try this: Range("e65536").End(xlUp).ClearContents Range("A65536").End(xlUp)(2) = 5 Range("B65536").End(xlUp)(2) = 10 Range("C65536").End(xlUp)(2) = 15 Range("D65536").End(xlUp)(2) = 20 Range("E" & Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row + 3).Formula _ = "=SUM(A2:D" &...
  12. luceze

    Import tables into Updated database

    Is it checked under Tools\References? That's the only reference that I need to make it work. Also using Access 2002 SP3 If so, I am not sure what the problem is. Eric
  13. luceze

    Import tables into Updated database

    Try adding a reference to the Microsoft Office 10.0 object library. HTH, Eric
  14. luceze

    Import tables into Updated database

    See if this will get you what you want. Dim fd As FileDialog Dim fName As String Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen) With fd .InitialFileName = "C:\" .Filters.Add "MS Access Databases", "*.mdb", 1 .AllowMultiSelect = False If .Show = -1 Then...
  15. luceze

    Time picker

    Try this: SzTime.value = Format(Me.SzTimePicker, "HH:MM:SSAMPM") You can set another format if this is not the format that you would like. Alternatively, you could set the SzTime control's format to a variation of hh:mm:ss. It will store the date and the time but will only display the time...
  16. luceze

    Combine several Excel worksheets from workbooks into one via Codes

    Kind of ugly but it works. Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False Dim Path As String Dim Ext As String Dim fName As String Dim sht As Worksheet Workbooks.Add With ActiveWorkbook .SaveAs "MergeExcelFiles" End With Ext = ".xls" Path = "C:\" fName = Dir(Path...
  17. luceze

    Simple question

    Ok. You are setting the password in your code. Change this line of your code: txtPassword="7389" to txtPassword=me.YourTextBoxName Change "YourTextBoxName" to the name of your password textbox. HTH, Eric
  18. luceze

    Simple question

    Are you getting an error? If so on which line? If you are not getting an error or the event is not firing then you can check if the macro is associated with the button. Right click on the button. Select properties. Go to the events tab. In the on click event see if it says [event procedure]...
  19. luceze

    Excel Formula Question

    You have to use a user defined function to accomplish this. In a standard module place this code: Function GetFormula(cell As Range) GetFormula = cell.HasFormula End Function Then in your conditional formatting for cell B1, for condition one, change it to "Formula is" and enter this formula...
  20. luceze

    Rounding Problem

    Check you data type in your table and make sure it is appropriate. It should be something like this Data Type = Number Field Size = Double Decimals=2 In your form make sure the format is #,##0.00 HTH, Eric

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