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Search results for query: *

  1. kposey


    I have a small peer to peer network of 5 computers. all of them are win2k pro. i want to create a virtual drive on a few of the computers so that the music stored on each computer is easier to access. Ive tried using SUBST(in dos). which works, but as soon as i try and reboot, it goes away...
  2. kposey

    Page Break help

    I have a text file with numerous records back to back that I'm parsing, but i need to insert a 'page break' after each record so that when i print, each record prints on its own page. Does Word 97/2000 use a special ascii character which it interprets as a page break, or is it part of some...
  3. kposey

    display xml content in html

    XSLT style sheets(another kind of xml document that is a conversion tool) when used with an xml document, will specify how the xml tags should be interpreted into html. Using XSLT mixed with some CSS style sheets, you can present your xml document data, just as if it were written in html. XSLT...
  4. kposey

    Win2k hates my Winamp

    I just installed Win2k, and put Winamp on it. The program installed with no problems, however, when i try to play a song, Winamp tells me that a device ID has been used that is out of range for my system. Is there a way to change the device ID??
  5. kposey

    Dell clocks lose time

    There is also another possibility. The crystal used by the battery to keep time can only be cut with a minimal amount of accuracy. The battery is set so that it runs with precision between certain acceptable voltages....ruling out the battery as the problem. The slight variations of the...
  6. kposey

    Linux - Win2k Dual Boot

    Ive installed Win2k on a 2gig partition and formatted the remaining 28gigs... However, when i boot up it gives me 2 options both of which are Windows 2000. The first one does nothing(which is set as the default...after 2-3 seconds) and the second one is the one i need to go to. I need a way...
  7. kposey

    unsuccessful install

    It worked great, thanks for the advice!! -kposey
  8. kposey

    Memory identification

    I need to know how to identify what kind of memory is in a system, without taking the cover off. I am trying to buy RAM for a family member, but i have no way to find out what kind the system uses. The PC is a couple years old, made by CompUSA PC(Home Series), and from what ive been told, has...
  9. kposey

    Linux - Win2k Dual Boot

    Where can i find info on how to do a dual boot with Red Hat 7 and Win2k? I need user friendly instructions(since this is not for me).
  10. kposey

    Bus Speed vs. RAM speed

    what are the pros/cons of running 100mhz memory AND 133mhz memory on the same computer, that is capable of handing 133mhz? Does it downgrade my 133mhz chip to 100mhz, or does it just have problems paging the sectors on the 100mhz chip?
  11. kposey

    low resources

    It looks as though one of the programs you regularly uses leaks system resources. Theoretically, after you close a program you should get back the system resources that were used. Some programs dont come close to that. I would try unchecking your inbox and rnaap(after running msconfig) and go...
  12. kposey

    LINUX or, "How I learned to love self abuse"~!

    I would try Red Hat 7, it has a lot more drivers, and get you up and running quite nicely.
  13. kposey

    PC Running super slow, possibly I/O ?

    You might want to check your system resources, see what percentage of your memory you are booting up with. Often, some app's will set themselves to automatically load up with windows, therefore decreasing your system resources. To check your system resources right click my computer, check...
  14. kposey

    unsuccessful install

    I have a Rockwell HCF V.90 modem, Im trying to reinstall it, but it does not recognize the driver as being valid. Windows wants to install it as a PCI Serial Controller, and from there i try to tell it that its an HCF modem, but it doesnt like that either. Any help?

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