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Search results for query: *

  1. hellferret

    Communicating between VB.Net applications

    Hi, How do I tell a VB.Net application to do something from another VB.Net application?? Would I use SendMessage? HF
  2. hellferret

    Event When Items Added To ListView

    Nevermind - I've done what I wanted by Overriding WinProc and doing my business in there. Anyway - the sandwich wench is here and I'm off to get a bacon baguette and Dr Pepper. Have a nice day all. HF
  3. hellferret

    Event When Items Added To ListView

    Hi, I'm creating (or trying to) a control based on the ListView. For this to work, I need to call a procedure as soon as an Item is added to the ListView. Before I started I stupidly assumed they'd be an 'OnItemAdded' event - but I'll be buggered if I can find it. Can any of you lovely...
  4. hellferret

    Sending MIME multipart/alternate email

    Thanks - solved the problem now. Our security admin had not allowed mail to be relayed outside from my IP. HF
  5. hellferret

    Sending MIME multipart/alternate email

    Thanks guys. I've tried using both SMTP and CDONTS methods. But have different problems with each. SMTP: Fine with internal addresses - but failing on authentication when sending external. I'm assuming if I set the from address then the mail server will authenticate it the same way as if I...
  6. hellferret

    Sending MIME multipart/alternate email

    I'm attempting to write a bulk email function that sends a MIME mulipart/alternate email so that it displays a text or html message depending on the recipient's client (which is unknown). I'm currently under a big pile of things like MAPI, SMTP, CDONTS and all sorts of things I know very little...
  7. hellferret

    Slow Query - Date in text format

    OK. I have a third party database that I need to query. There is 1 million records in the table, each with a date field in text format (I can't change this). I want to return all fields after a certain date but this is painfully horribly nastily slow and keeps beating me with the time-out stick...
  8. hellferret

    SQL syntax problem

    The quotes have all gone walkabout. SQL = "SELECT * FROM reservations WHERE rsdate = #" & A & "# " & " and name =" & Chr(34) & B & Chr(34)& " and plane = " & Chr(34) & C & Chr(34) Apart from that it looks OK. But you never know. If it doesn't work...
  9. hellferret

    Bringing back a minimized form

    This should do the trick. Form1.WindowState = vbNormal HF
  10. hellferret

    Lotus Notes to SQL Server

    I have been given the rather unpleasent task of sticking a Lotus Notes db into SQL Server. Now I know absolutely nothing about Lotus Notes apart from it's horrible, nasty and not relational. Any ideas where I start? HF
  11. hellferret

    Lotus Notes to SQL Server

    I have been given the rather unpleasent task of sticking a Lotus Notes db into SQL Server. Now I know absolutely nothing about Lotus Notes apart from it's horrible, nasty and not relational. Any ideas where I start? HF
  12. hellferret

    Confused between VB and VC for MCSD

    IMO there are a lot of jobs in VB and a lot of money in C. Also bear in mind that a job using VB is a nice cushy feet-on-the-table job, where as a job in C is a brain twisting nightmare hell job. I'd go for VB, but then again I'm the laziest person I know. If you know C anyway, go for VC -...
  13. hellferret

    SQL Development Kit

    I'm looking into making a friendly little Index manager in the application. I'm definately gonna do gags suggestions. It's shaping up already. I've pulled in another programmer to give me a hand, and the website should be up soon (will contain screen shots, news, info). It's going to be called...
  14. hellferret

    Database is too large

    Yep. Loading the pic into an Image control won't be too much of a problem: 'on Form Open image1.Picture = LoadPicture("c:\pic.jpg") The imbedding the picture into your report depends on how you are doing it, shouldn't be too tricky though. HF
  15. hellferret

    Convert Word to MS Access

    This one is hard. It may be easiest to stick your table into Excel and save it as an Excel worksheet and use the TransferSpreadsheet macro command to import it in. HF
  16. hellferret

    How To Prevent a Record From Being Saved

    If you set both of these fields as the Primary Key then it will not allow duplicates. It will give you a really bad Primary Key Violation error so you might want to trap for it and display something a little bit more cute and fuzzy. HF
  17. hellferret

    List BOX

    I thought it did this by default? (in Access 2000 anyway) HF
  18. hellferret

    keyfield is number +1?

    Use the autonumber datatype. OR: Stick the result of this into the field: "SELECT MAX(keyfield)+1 from tblTable" HF
  19. hellferret


    Use VB instead of Access. HF

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