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Search results for query: *

  1. mrudolph

    Compute, Display Average

    right, by grouping field, I meant which ever field you are grouping by, whether it is a database field or formula field such as you have done. So if you have grouped on the @fullname formula field, then that is the field you will want to use as the second argument with your Average function.
  2. mrudolph

    Compute, Display Average

    The 2nd argument of the average function must be the field you are grouping by. From your original post it sounds as though you grouped by person ("Alex Barber is one group"). So the field that represents this grouping in your report is the field you need to use as the second argument of the...
  3. mrudolph

    Suppress Object_Visibility

    Actually, you don't want to turn on convert nulls to default. I was merely saying check that you don't have that turned on as it would render the IsNull part of your code useless. Are you sure you truly have zero records? You aren't getting a blank page because of items/sections being...
  4. mrudolph

    Help with summations and total summations

    Are you certain that your Group total for the non-scrap is doing a sum and not a maximum or other summary? Right click on the non-scrap group total and choose Edit summary and check to make sure it is set to sum and not maximum (which is the default choice that shows up at the top of the list...
  5. mrudolph

    Suppress Object_Visibility

    That code should work.... do you have the Convert NULLs to default turned on? Check under the File menu in both Options(on the Reporting tab) and under File\Report Options. mrudolph
  6. mrudolph

    Moving Average

    Crystal does not have a built in moving average function, so you will have to utilize running total/summaries and then creat a formula field to do the final calculation for your simple MA. Will you always be dividing by 18 months? If so, then your denominator can be a constant 18, and you will...
  7. mrudolph

    Moving Average

    A moving average implies a time-series set of data. So most likely you will have to calculate the time differential you are dividing by (whether days,hours, etc...). You may likely be able to use a Crystal summary or running total for the numerator that will sum the items. It also depends...
  8. mrudolph

    Crystal XI Developer Excel add-in

    Additionally, the Excel and Access add-ins are available in all "flavors" (e.g. Standard, Professional, Developer) for versions 8 through 10 of Crystal. The following is a link to a PDF from the business objects knowledgebase that gives a features comparison list by version...
  9. mrudolph

    Crystal XI Developer Excel add-in

    For XI, the Add-ins are not available by design according to Business Objects. See KBase Article ID:c2017075 on their website. For CR 9 and 10, if you don't see the add-ins listed when in Excel or Access, you can add them by browsing to the following locations: For Excel: Choose Add-ins under...
  10. mrudolph

    How to Repeat Group Header with Muli Column Formatting

    Thanks for your reply lbass. Unfortunately I can't constrain my reports to only use a non-proportional font and therefore I can't implement/use your last proposed solution. However, it still might be a good solution for others until BO adds a more robust type of functionality for this type of...
  11. mrudolph

    How to Repeat Group Header with Muli Column Formatting

    Hi lbass, Thanks for your reply. Your solution sounds like a good one for when the column output has a consistent # of records per column. Unfortunately, in many of my cases, I have memo fields in the details section, so the # of detail sections/records will vary from one column to the next...
  12. mrudolph

    How to Repeat Group Header with Muli Column Formatting

    Hi, I have been following this thread discussion and have the same issue as dwooten. Based on Synapsevampire's responses, I understand that the Repeat Group Header option is intended to repeat on new pages. So my question then is: Does Crystal XI have a feature/functionality that will...
  13. mrudolph

    How to supress a subreport conditionally?

    Your formula in your main report that "receives" the value of the count from your subreport must be in a section below the section your subreport is in for it to correctly "receive" the count value in the shared variable. Since you are trying to use the shared variable in the main report in the...
  14. mrudolph

    How to find phone nbr fields populated incorrectly or null

    Double check the functions available to you in your SQL expression Editor. You may have functions available there to do the len() and instr() parts of the formula lbass gave. If available this will allow you to create SQL expression fields to use in your record selection so those parts are...
  15. mrudolph

    Translating Sum of $ amount to words

    There is a ToWords() function in the Strings function folder of the Formula Editor. You can also look up the function in the help menu to get more specifics on the use of this function. But this should give you the output you are seeking. hope this helps. MRudolph
  16. mrudolph

    Null memo field

    This Link might give you some additional info or ideas for testing Memo fields for Null values and using that result for formatting or counting etc... http://support.businessobjects.com/library/kbase/articles/c2007285.asp
  17. mrudolph

    Supression formula problem

    According to your logic with: ({@HrsWorked} < 5 or time(Maximum ({VP_TOTALS.CLOCKOUT}, {VP_TOTALS.WORKDATE}, "daily")) <= ctime("10:00 PM")) This record meets one of those statements. John Doe 17 Mon, 7/5/04 7/1/04 4:00pm 6 Remember with OR, as long as one of the statements is...
  18. mrudolph

    Extracting text out of a string

    Goosetown, If you are 100% certain at all times that in your field there will NEVER be spaces after the '-' for your range, then Synapse is correct in that the TrimLeft would not be required. Since this wasn't known from your post, that is why I included the TrimLeft (better safe than sorry!)...
  19. mrudolph

    Extracting text out of a string

    Hey Synapse, I included TrimLeft just in case there are instances where there are spaces after the '-'. It has just been my experience that data isn't always perfectly entered or formatted, so TrimLeft is just to catch those. For data values where there aren't any spaces after the '-' then...
  20. mrudolph

    Extracting text out of a string

    Try: TrimLeft(Mid({Tablename.Fieldname},InStr({Tablename.Fieldname},'-')+1))

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