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Search results for query: *

  1. Poteen

    text box calculation depending on checkbox....

    Use the option group value in your IF or Case select code. It will usually default to 1 if the first option is selected, 2 if the second option is selected etc and "" for no options selected. Check the properties for the option group name (eg id name is frame1 then value will be...
  2. Poteen


    zishan619 IMPORTANT ADDENDUM....ref your original line:your syntax is still wrong!!!!The effect will be unpredictable. DLookup("[NT]", "tblAssignment", "[NT] = " & Forms!MainMenu!WinUserName & ") SHOULD BE: DLookup("[NT]&quot...
  3. Poteen

    ActiveX Number Pad: Does it exist?

    (Also posted in AtiveX forum but now becoming an emergency) I need to find if a pre-built activeX number pad exists in the VBA object libraries or elsewhere. There seems to be nothing on activeX numpads in the FAQ's.I've found pre-built activex objects such as calendar to be invaluable. I want...
  4. Poteen

    ActiveX Number Pad: Does it exist?

    zemp, I'mm still stuck. Planetsourcecode.com and MSDN don't seem to have what I need. Maybe I missed it somewhere but I'm surprised that such a 'simple' activeX should not be available. Is it in the object library under an inappropriate such as Ctrl151454 (!). Hell, the calendar control is a 31...
  5. Poteen

    ActiveX Number Pad: Does it exist?

    Thanks zemp, I'll do just that! Cheers, John
  6. Poteen

    ActiveX Number Pad: Does it exist?

    I need to find if a pre-built activeX number pad exists in the VBA object libraries or elsewhere. There seems to be nothing on activeX numpads in the FAQ's. I've found pre-built activex objects such as calendar to be invaluable. I want to avoid having to build a kludge substitute. Is there...
  7. Poteen

    Can I Verify a Win2k User Password

    You'd be better off with a custom 512/1024bit RSA. Windows 2000 security is a joke. The encoding method and key are now in the public domain. I read a very interesting article last year from the smart alek who cracked it. I'll see if I can dig up the details. Regards, John
  8. Poteen

    Copying values from one List box to another

    Zirak You can use the explicit command: MListSource.Column(Column,Row) OR default to MListSource.Column(Column) when a record is selected (row implicitely selected) If you are using multiselect you will also need to loop through the ItemsSelected property to identify which items were selected...
  9. Poteen

    Need individual control of check boxes on a continuous form

    Jedi420 I've seen that problem solved somewhere. Have a good search of past postings in the VBA section (you won't be doing it from wizards). If you can't find it, remind me on jjjtuohy>>>>@<<<<hotmail.com (Remove the >>>><<<< before sending. I don't like spam) Regards, John
  10. Poteen

    Can I Verify a Win2k User Password

    Some people might interpret that as an attempt to write a password hacker!
  11. Poteen

    Question about combo box

    Maybe this approach may help: (1) Keep the combo bound to the ID; it's a responsible way to keep unique track of names. (2) The normal method of putting the Name (not ID) into a textbox is to explicitly refer to the specific column in the combo. e.g. assume textbox named Text1, combo named...
  12. Poteen

    List box Column has a value?????

    Dangerous, Column 2 may contain some NULLS..... do you see where I'm going. You're probably safer if you explicitly examine the 'cells' you're interested in eg a For Each loop with a xx<>NULL or Not(Isnull(xx))test. regards, John
  13. Poteen

    Problems with Count(*)

    I recommend you use Distinct in a listbox row source SQL and use Listcount to count the contents. Otherwise you'll have to write a VBA routine. regards, John
  14. Poteen

    Column Property of a Combo Box

    Anytime mate. You will need to learn about the requirements for &quot;, '&quot;, &quot;&quot; and &quot;&quot;&quot; quotation marks. I think your major problem was using &quot; instead of '&quot; around a control reference. regards, John
  15. Poteen

    Wrong Forum but please look at it

    &quot;I doubt of a permission problem since all the tables were created by me under the same circumstance&quot; That's a dangerous assumption. Permissions tables might have been deleted etc
  16. Poteen

    Subform somehow out of sync on new record in main form

    Check for dodgy Onchange legacy code John
  17. Poteen

    Auto Tab?

    billpower: FYI; You left out the LHS quotes in If Len (Me!txtTextbox & &quot;&quot;) = 50 Then Maybe jrbarnett is also doing so!! John
  18. Poteen

    Linking 2 forms with different tables

    What do you mean &quot;LINK FORMS&quot;??? John
  19. Poteen

    a question about list box

    In design view, right-click the listbox, select Properties, select the Format tab and you will see Text Align. Cheers, John

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