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  1. gagslondon

    AWOL DATA...Administrator profile corrupted...

    phobos2001, did you manage to find a solution to this problem? I have a similiar one - although I have not lost any of the data in the .bak account - I need to restore it to the correct administrator account. Did you come across a solution or find out why it happened in the first place...
  2. gagslondon

    mysql & MS SQL 7.0 on the same web server

    Hello, Does anyone have any experience of problems when running MySQL alongside MS SQL 7.0 on a Win 2000 Web Server using IIS? thanks, g
  3. gagslondon

    Great tutorial for the use of the soundObject

    Thanks oldnewbie, I am teaching the Sound object today and now I have a resource to set some homework. :)
  4. gagslondon

    problem with loadMovie(String, int)

    I have managed to get a similiar situation to work using: loadMovie ("movie.swf",interger(_root.top)); It seems Flash would like assurances that you are sending in a number and not a string.
  5. gagslondon

    Slow flash

    Norton can get a bit heavy handed when you open Word docs and stuff I wonder if it is that? That would be a bit strange though. Are these apps on the other pc you are testing on?
  6. gagslondon

    email form

    http://www.actionscript.org/tutorials/beginner/html_forms/index.shtml This tutorial above is a link to how html forms translate into Flash. You will still need to link this form to some sort of server script to actually send the mail. The most common script used for this type of thing by...
  7. gagslondon

    Slow flash

    Do you run a lot of other applications, or services (do you have these in xp?) at the same time on your pc?
  8. gagslondon

    How do you chage the instance of only one symbol

    The only way to affect instances independantly is with Action Script. If you use any of the drawing tools for e.g. the change will propogate accross all instances. Select the button you would like to change and hit F8, this will bring up the 'Convert to Symbol' dialogue box. Leave it on Movie...
  9. gagslondon

    real quick please..

    :) That the beauty of this place I suppose. Spoilt for choice. g
  10. gagslondon

    Still need help with FORMS!

    Also cgi scripts are normally kept in a seperate folder on the server, usally called bin, cgi-bin, or something similiar. It is possible you do not have the correct path to formail.cgi in your url.
  11. gagslondon

    MX Develpoment Bugs

    oldnewbie Also, one wonders, if a student has misplaced code You are too right and something to bear in mind before I start pulling my hair out. wangbar I think we have both experienced the situation of having to deal with this before an audience. Not exactly a nice stroll in the park. Is...
  12. gagslondon

    real quick please..

    You have pretty much got it right. onClipEvent (load) { this.stop(); this.playedalready=false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.homelink.direction == "forwards"&&this.playedalready==false) { this.gotoAndStop(this._currentframe+1)...
  13. gagslondon

    MX Develpoment Bugs

    I have searched for this because I am sure MX's idiosyncrasies have been discussed here already but I have not found any refernce to the problem I encountered today. I am teaching actionscript at the moment and my class is full of bright people but with no experience of Flash. So mistake one...
  14. gagslondon

    variable textfields

    I have just started playing with MX so someone please correct me if this is wrong but now we have autoSize as a method of text fields. Which means text fields are being treated as objects and have instance names in addition to variable names. So if your text field instance name is textField2...
  15. gagslondon

    Sending Information from Access to Flash - What's the Easiest Way?

    Server pages like asp or php need to be hosted on specific hosting packages I am not sure it Tripod allow this. Also if you are going to develop and test on your own pc you will need to run IIS or Apache to get them to work. Do a bit of research into web servers and hosting.
  16. gagslondon

    Sending Information from Access to Flash - What's the Easiest Way?

    munkygomoo, Do you have a web server running on your pc? gags
  17. gagslondon

    proxy test over the web for developers without access to one

    thanks tels, do you have an opinion on my second question? What should I be thinking about when planning to communicate from cd rom exe through network to web server. Is proxy and firewall usually enough or is it possible that something else comes back to haunt me? thanks for your time, gags
  18. gagslondon

    proxy test over the web for developers without access to one

    Actually Tels I am looking for a proxy to send my http request through from a cd rom to a mysql database over the web. But thanks anyway for the useful link. gags
  19. gagslondon

    proxy test over the web for developers without access to one

    Hi, I am developing a Macromedia Director CD Rom that needs to communicate with a web database from within a corporate environment. I do not have access to a proxy server to test this bit of the code, is there a way of doing it remotely through a web site or similiar? (I know this sounds...
  20. gagslondon

    html form submit button problems with Mac & I.E. 5.1

    I solved it, and the solution is this. It seems IE on a mac does not like a form to be spread over more than one table, no matter how much it helps with your lay out. Anyway thanks again Bill. gags

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