This assumes that the string always refers to pallets
strreverse(ToText(val(strreverse(split({YourField},'Pallet')[1])),0,'')) & ' Pallets'
Gary Parker
MIS Data Analyst
Manchester, England
Here's a couple of links
The Expert's Guide to Crystal Reports Formulas
Gary Parker
MIS Data Analyst
Manchester, England
Your problem is that you can't create a group on a summary formula. If you just wanted to display the date then there are ways around this, but these will not allow you to chart the results.
One option is to calculate the Amtpaid totals per person on the db and bring these into the report, this...
Minimum ({DT1.Date}) is returning the earliest date returned in your recordset.
CR does not ignore any dates so the 2 selection formuals must be returning different results.
Gary Parker
MIS Data Analyst
Manchester, England
If you aren't displaying anything from the subreport then try this.
Suppress all sections in the subreport
from main report, right click subreport -> format subreport -> subreport tab -> suppress blank subreport.
Section Expert -> select section containing subreport -> suppress blank section...
The way I've done this in the past is to add an OLE Object on to the report, select a bitmap image and select create from file. Select any image you have access to and check Display as Icon.
Add the object on to your report canvass, right click and select format graphic -> picture tab ->...
I think it's your last test that is causing the issue, you can't have a select condition based purely on db fields.
It's a bit like chicken and egg
I would rewrite this as
If Join({?prm_BCD},',') = 'HEMO' Then
({Query1.Acronym} = "ABC" and {Query1.Desc} like "Home*")
One way would be to create a second detail sction detail b and use a suppression formula to hide/show this section.
Onfirstrecord or
{collection_date} <> previous({collection_date})
Gary Parker
MIS Data Analyst
Manchester, England
You won't be able to use any array values ina chart, you would be better served creating 12 formulas once for each month.
Gary Parker
MIS Data Analyst
Manchester, England
One for all the thespians out there
Once saw 2 mercedes parked on a driveway in London has with the plates.
"2 B" and "NOT 2B"
Gary Parker
MIS Data Analyst
Manchester, England
Try This
Local NumberVar i;
Local StringVar String := 'THIS IS MY STRING';
Local StringVar Temp;
For i := 1 to Len(String)
Temp := Temp & String[i] & ' ');
Gary Parker
MIS Data Analyst
Manchester, England
LB beat me to it but here is something similar.
You should also be aware that arrays will only hold up to 1000 values so if your memo field contains more than a thousand words and your number is in position 1001 then this method won't work
Local StringVar Text :=...
Try this
Gary Parker
MIS Data Analyst
Manchester, England
Ok so if we look at just one of the fields are you saying
Value = NULL (Display)
Value = 0 (Display)
Value >= 1 (Suppress)
if so then just change the last part of my formula to
Holdback >= 1 or LehmanHoldBack >= 1 or Interest >= 1
Gary Parker
MIS Data Analyst
Manchester, England
forgot to change a variable name
Local NumberVar HoldBack := If IsNull({Detail.HoldBack}) Then 0 Else {Detail.HoldBack};
Local NumberVar LehmanHoldBack := If IsNull({Detail.LehmanHoldBack}) Then 0 Else {Detail.LehmanHoldBack};
Local NumberVar Interest := If...
pressed the wrong button there :
Local NumberVar HoldBack := If IsNull({Detail.HoldBack}) Then 0 Else {Detail.HoldBack};
Local NumberVar LehmanHoldBack := If IsNull({Detail.LehmanHoldBack}) Then 0 Else {Detail.LehmanHoldBack};
Local NumberVar HoldBack := If...
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