I have Crystal 9.2. I have to take the number found in a memo field and write it out (24.5 would be "twenty four and one half hours"). I thought if I could locate the decimal I could print the numbers on either side. Any help would be appreciated.
I think you should isolate the numbers first and then use the towords function:
stringvar array x := split({table.memo}," ");
numbervar i;
numbervar j := ubound(x);
stringvar y := "";
for i := 1 to j do(
if not isnumeric(x) then
y := y + x+" " else
if isnumeric(x then
y := y + towords(tonumber(x),1)+" "
...where the 1 in the towords function indicates the number of decimals--although the decimals are expressed as a fraction like this: .5 becomes 5/10 or 50/100 if you set it to "2".
You should also be aware that arrays will only hold up to 1000 values so if your memo field contains more than a thousand words and your number is in position 1001 then this method won't work
Local StringVar Text := {@test};
Local Numbervar i;
Local NumberVar tmpNumber;
Local StringVar strWhole;
Local StringVar strDecimal;
For i := 1 to ubound(Split(Text))
If IsNumeric(Split(Text)) Then
tmpNumber := ToNumber(Split(Text)));
strWhole := ToWords(Truncate(tmpNumber),0);
tmpNumber := tmpNumber - Truncate(tmpNumber);
If tmpNumber = 0.25 Then
strDecimal := 'and one quarter hour'
Else If tmpNumber = 0.5 Then
strDecimal := 'and one half hour'
Else If tmpNumber = 0.75 Then
strDecimal := 'and three quarter hours';
//add the rest of you rules here for other decimal values
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