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Search results for query: *

  1. mitchbnj

    Avaya PII and "Voice Pro 206" as VM

    FURTHER information/question: upstateny said: The 2 port partner PVM cards are very inexpensive - if you don't need a spell by name directory look at the PVM r3S (4 mailboxes / 40 minutes storage) or the R3L which goes up to 16 mailboxes / 120 minutes storage - good luck! I further ask: Is...
  2. mitchbnj

    Avaya PII and "Voice Pro 206" as VM

    Hi all, I'm new to the Avaya/partner world, and would like to use my previous system (Voice Pro 206 [VP]) as the VM for my partner. I have 2 206 cards I've set extension 20 and 21 to go into the VP line 1/line 2 inputs. I've gotten the Partner to forward successfully to the VP (phew...) but...
  3. mitchbnj

    VoicePro 412 - cannot access mailboxes

    Don't forget that the 206, 408 and 412 are ALL the same software. The primary difference is the hardware available.. BTW, I'm in the process of re-writing the manual to make it more user friendly (needed to do this for MY users) will post soon.
  4. mitchbnj

    Anyone have any experience with Concero Switchboard?

    Regarding Different Switches vs Voice PRO. 1) Look at the VP FAQ I Wrote faq461-1970 2) If your clients are price driven, it's a fantastic buy, even if you were to buy two, and keep one as a hot spare. 3) I couldn't possibly find similar features for under $500 for a 4X12 system 4) btw...
  5. mitchbnj

    Voice Pro VP206 - Disable Auto Attendant

    As an FYI, also look at the FAQ I wrote up: on the VP206 http://www.tek-tips.com/gfaqs.cfm/lev2/9/lev3/104/spid/461/sfid/1970
  6. mitchbnj

    VoicePro Phone System

    PS: See also the FAQ I put together : http://www.tek-tips.com/gfaqs.cfm/lev2/9/lev3/104/spid/461/sfid/1970
  7. mitchbnj

    Problems on VP-206 - Voice Pro Phone System from Voice Logic

    See Also the FAQ I WROTE on the Voice Pro click HERE (I hope): javascript:openindex(450,350,'http://www.tipmaster.com/includes/refinfo.cfm?w=450&h=350') GO TO FAQ: faq461-1970
  8. mitchbnj

    VoicePro Phone System

    HELP. Can someone who has SW rel 2.21 (the latest version) of the software scan the manual, and send me a copy of it (OR even mail it to me?) I just did the upgrade from 2.01 to 2.21, and I've been told there are tons of new commands in new version... Thanks in advance! Mitch Bruntel
  9. mitchbnj

    Problems on VP-206 - Voice Pro Phone System from Voice Logic

    Hi. First things first. Disable Auto-attendant. that's where you're getting the first prompt from. Check your SW/EPROM levels. search this board for old VP206 stuff. next: (I have similar setup) I have all 6 phones set up to ring on line 1 and line 2, and all select line1 as primary except...
  10. mitchbnj

    HOW DO I? on my Voice Pro VP206 VP408 VP412?

    Voice Pro 206/408/412 PBX FAQ Mitch B. ? 5/25/2002 mitchbnj@excite.com Updated 7/17/2002 Updates: ** Moved credits to end for reading brevity ** ** Added link to PDF for quick start guide and detailed user guide (dont have user guide pdf) Note: a) I own a vp206. However, the VP...

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