I don't see you to have any GROUP statement. Try to group the records by a criteria, even if you need the sum of all the records.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
The most simple answer under Fedora is:
under a Terminal console, enter as root and start
there make sure that the postgresql is checked.
That's all. I should start automatically when you reboot.
It's nice to be important, but it's more...
I had the same problem. Here's the solution:
every time you need the grid to display the qry, you have to reassign the RecordSource property of the grid.
That's all, you don't have to do some refresh or anything.
Good luck. Cristian
What command are you using? If you are using shutdown or halt, try using poweroff. I had the same problem, but it's solved by this command.
Good luck.
Try installing the new Samba with
rpm -Fvh --nodeps *.rpm
then, start samba and look for any errors in the log files. If it needs some other packets, find them using http://www.rpmfind.net.
Good luck. Cristian
Using Telnet you can't allow remote root login. Anyway, you can allow remote access as an usual user, then, using su - the user can change in the root user (by typing the root password).
Or, you can use a ssh client which allows any type of login.
Check your /etc/hosts.allow file for the hosts...
You can use global variables (public ones) thet you can set in your form.
Try something liuke this:
public returned1,returned2,returned3
do form yourform && the form will initialize the variables
*here you should use your returned values
release returned1,returned2,returned3...
You should try to go to http://us1.samba.org/samba/docs/ and look for a Troubleshooting guide. Follow exactly the instructions you're gonna find there (They're gonna ask you to configure samba the way they want to, for debugging), and you're gonna solve your problem with ease.
Good Luck
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