I am not sure what it is you want. But on the form properties, there are several setting on the Data tab controlling the permissions of the data source. Check if Allow Edits, Allow Additions etc. are true. If they are, you might want to check the query if it is updateable.... run it from the...
You can always modify the datasource of the child form to be based on a query.... adding a condition like this [Enter Week #] this will ask the user to enter a week number when opening.....
Using the Str function returns a string with a space in front.... one of those small VB things.... use the function Trim around it.... and you are set.... like this
Have fun
Hi everybody
I have created a website for my rowing club, and would like to be able to download files from the site. It is no problem to display all the directories and the files. I have allready created the browser, but I have realized that my knowledge of ASP and HTML is not enough when it...
Or when at the office, open the database containing the report, and export this to the target database. Just like when you exported the report from the home computer.
I have a '97 db, which contain a very important db. It was developed on a win98 machine. I am still using win98, but I am running a winNT server in the background, doing all user validation etc.
Now, the database refuses to open and just report the following error:
The current user account...
I have done something similar to this. Yes you can use your mdw for as many mdb as you like. You just need to associate every single mdb with the mdw. And you need to do this for every userprofile for every machine, or do some alterations to the registry with the logon-script.
Feel free to email...
You have to remember that you need to update the object's view. The Recordset object has no connection to the bound Recordset of the form. Use the requery, and after that a DataErrContinue. If you are interested, mail this adress and I will return an example of what I did to make it work.
Another problem which can create this error, is if you use the predefined styles that come with Access 2000.<br>Try and remove these styles. This is documented on msdn.microsoft.com
You need to activate the use of the workgroupfile on those computers as well.<br>This has shown to be the most irritating part of this. Why? Because you need to do it for every user on every machine (at least on an NT). If you have an NT environment, I can show you how to get around this at...
I can tell everybody, that this problem is a recognized problem by Microsoft. Remove all the preset styles, and you are flying.<br>A link to the paper on this problem will be found on a FAQ, this weekend.
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