By stretching a gif across the screen means that your browser will always try and give access to the edges of your image. Thus causing your site to have scroll bars.<br><br> And yes, using it as a background instead will solve that problem since...
I have never seen this occur on mine, and I doubt if it's DW's fault. But just in case that some of DW's files may be corrupted, may I suggest that you re-install the program from scratch to see if that will solve the problem. <p>Andre Vandal<br><a...
As long as the browser can't read the file, it will download it. There is nothing to set for this, it's automatic for the browser to do that. <p>Andre Vandal<br><a></a><br><a href=>A.V...
The solution is very simple, just compress your file into a zip document, this way when they click on the small version the browser will automaticly dowoad the file because it can't read it.<br><br> Otherwise, you will have to do what everybody else does, and...
My rule of tumb, is to always test out with one version before the latest in both IE and NS.<br><br> I also make good use of my counter that also keeps tab of users browsers. Most still use NS 4, very little people are using NS 5, actually, more people are...
Just go to the 'Insert' menu, then the 'Form Object' sub-menu.<br><br> From there just select 'Jump Menu'. A box will apear asking you to fill out the information for all the menu items. You can chose between two versions of...
Gif's are not the best picture format, I hope one day someone comes up with something better that still ratain the transparency ability.<br><br> I never got Great results with Photoshop and Gif, but I had to live with what I got before I got a hold of Image...
I've encontered the same problem. maybe I'm wrong here, but in my case I've noticed that IE will only take you to the page if the ancher is still accesible vissually from the top of the page. As for NT, it will bring the page up to the...
100 layers!!!<br><br> You actually made something that ran over 100 layers? Sheesh! What were you making to reach that level? Amazed minds wants to know. :) <p>Andre Vandal<br><a...
then why not take the time to share the solution you used so that next time we will all know what to do?<br><br> Thanks ahead... <p>Andre Vandal<br><a></a><br><a href=>A.V. Dezign's...
Hummm, sounds like a strange one to me, I've never had any problems with that before, and I've worked on projects that has at least 24 layers, and this was back in version 3.<br><br> I have a few suggestion.<br><br>1 - try to give Photoshop more memory.<br><br>2 - trash your...
Simple, just use the following arguments, 'size' & 'maxlength'. If for instance, wanted a text field with only 24 characters visible, but with a maximum of 50 characters, it would look like this.<br><br><input type="text" name="textfield" size="24"...
Look at the top of your window for your document, you will see a small icon that look like a document., with an arrow beside it.<br><br> Just click on it, and in the 'property window' you will get to modify your title name.<br><br> Hope it helps. <p>Andre...
With the softwares available to servers today, it's very rare that you will see one crash due to multiple users. If you have ever encountered a site which tells you it's busy, or an FTP site which tells you the limit of online users has been reached, then you have...
I've never seen that, though maybe it's possible.<br><br> I do on the other hand use a java script to refresh the page in NS4, because it can create problems when people change their page size when using CSS.<br><br> Here is the cript I use...
If what you mean is a Disk Image that can be mounted, such as what is distributed by Apple on their CDs, then the program you have to use for that is Apple's 'Disk Copy", simply launch the program and select create 'new image' from the 'image'...
I've never heard of this problem, but then again I've never like to use frames. I much prefer the use of tables, Style Sheets and Server Side Include instead.<br><br> But if what you say is true, then yes, a plain html version entry point would solve your...
As far as I know, I have Netscape 4.6, and it handles CSS with no problems. I don't know from what version of Netscape they started to allow it though.<br><br> <p>Andre Vandal<br><a></a><br><a...
Your best bet is for you to first find the script you want to use, either Java or CGI, then from there see what the script needs from you.<br><br> Otherwise you might just end up building an entire section to your site that wont fit the script you like, and you'll...
Okay here goes...<br><br>First, select view invisible elements form the View menu, and make sure you have the Properties panel open, you will find that in the Window menu.<br><br>Second, Notice that your form now has a border around it, click on that border to select your...
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