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Search results for query: *

  1. TimeTraveler

    Tip: ColdFusion and SQL Azure - time

    Situation: You've inherited a setup where running ColdFusion on Windows Server on one box, and a db server, say SQL Server, on a Windows Server on another box. Server time for both were set to local time. Your site is getting more popular and you decide to move the db to SQL Azure. Keep in...
  2. TimeTraveler

    Migrating SQL2K8E to SQL Azure via SSMSE

    Update George at SQLAzureMW really helped me out by going thru my process, setup and tweaking SQLAzureMW to work. Was able to use it to push 99% of the db to SQL Azure. These tweaks are probably part of the latest release of SQLAzureMW.
  3. TimeTraveler

    Tip: ColdFusion, SQL Azure, and embedded SQL

    So you saw the other tip on configuring the driver for the datasource for using SQL Azure with ColdFusion 9. Here is the next part. Any embedded queries or stored procedures will likely cause some errors at some point without the following modifications. Mostly this applies to the embedded...
  4. TimeTraveler

    Tip: ColdFusion, SQL Azure and drivers

    If you are planning on using ColdFusion 9 and SQL Azure, the default SQL Server option for the datasource will not work. Believe it or not, it is the old MacroMedia SQL Server driver! You will want to download and use the Microsoft JDBC 3.0 (or later) database connectivity drivers. And you...
  5. TimeTraveler

    Tip re SQL Server 2008 Startup Issues

    Situation: If like me, and just D/L and installed SQL Server 2008 R2 and in a rush to get it connected to your app server just went down the protocol list in the Configuration Manager and flipped everything on, you'll probably have issues starting the following services: SQL Server SQL Server...
  6. TimeTraveler

    Migrating SQL2K8E to SQL Azure via SSMSE

    Turns out cannot do SSIS with the SQL Server 2008 Express version of SQL Server 2008 R2, has to be Trial/Developer or better. This was not explained clearly on the SQL Azure website. Having issues now u/g Express to Trial/Developer, but expect once sorted out, that all the accompanying tools...
  7. TimeTraveler

    SSIS package execution fails

    Trying to use the parts of SSIS that come with SQL Server 2008 Express w/ Tools. Desired: Moving entire db (object defs + rows) into SQL Azure. Detail: 1. Load db into SQL2K8E (OK) 2. Create Azure account (OK) 3. Create db (or not) per tool requirements (OK) 4. Connect tool to Azure and...
  8. TimeTraveler

    Migrating SQL2K8E to SQL Azure via SSMSE

    Thanks Denny. D/L that tool along with the other required s/w prereqs and it bombed indicating (to the effect) it was unable to create the database in Azure b/c our db was too weird. I've tried these tools so far, with no luck moving the local db into Azure. None of the freely available...
  9. TimeTraveler

    SQL 2K5 vs SQL 2K8?

    DTS was buggy to begin with the tasks better handled by the app server, imo. If you have a lot of DTS packages to run, or they are complicated, you'll want to set up a parallel system to address that so you when you cut over the SSIS version of your DTS will be in place. I'm in the middle of a...
  10. TimeTraveler

    Need help configuring SQL 2005 w/ Mgt. Studio Express

    A registration is not necessary for a connection. After making a connection, that connection does not automatically appear/load/reside in a registration. So far, it appears that SSMS takes the place of both Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer. You'll notice that Stored Procedures are not...
  11. TimeTraveler

    SSIS & SQL SVR 2008 Developer Edition

    If I understood the info disclaimers correctly on a recent project, The SQL2K8 Express Edition allows executing SSIS packages, but not saving them. -S
  12. TimeTraveler

    Migrating SQL2K8E to SQL Azure via SSMSE

    Getting a db up on SQL Azure (SQLAzure) is my current headache. The "up in 10 minutes" video doesn't run on IE/Win2k3. However, I think I've tried every permutation of destination driver known. Global var @@IDLE has been swapped with a workaround. Same for DBCC DBCC DBREINDEX. (with ALTER...
  13. TimeTraveler

    Migrating / Upgrading from CFMX 6.1

    Hi, I'm wondering what the upgrade and or migration issues might be for the following: Current: MS Windows Server 2003 Std R2 MS SQL Server 2000 ColdFusion MX 6.1 Proposed: MS Windows Server 2008 MS SQL Server 2008 ColdFusion 9 Hopefully, someone has a good link or whatever related to...
  14. TimeTraveler


    1. Why bother testing for "null"? Even if newI equals "null" the result of the replace appears the same. 2. For non-numeric values, I found it best to quote the REreplace function. If not expecting single or double-quotes in newI, try: <CFSET newI="#REreplace('#newI#', '[^A-Za-z0-9]', ''...
  15. TimeTraveler

    Time changed

    Hi, ColdFusion MX 6.1 (and later I'm assuming) use the Java Runtime Engine specified in the CF Administration Page. (I believe it's under the System link on the upper right.) The version of Java shipped with CFMX6.1 does not conform to the new DST rules in effect in 2007. Also, the version of...
  16. TimeTraveler

    Excel XML question re column + row counts

    Thanks tsuji! I had figured out by trial-and-error that I could produce the result less the Column tag. Seeing that the attributes in question are themselves optional for the Table tag is a big help since I want to create a proper file and did not want to omit if not within the spec. -TT...
  17. TimeTraveler

    Excel XML question re column + row counts

    The Excel (XML file with MS Excel Schema) is created on the fly. The particular tab/worksheet does not exist at the time the XML header (everything up to and including the table tag) is created. The parts are created in order. Although, now that I write that, I could rewrite the app to just...
  18. TimeTraveler

    Excel XML question re column + row counts

    Situation: Previously, at my day gig we have been passing Excel spreadsheets as single-page workbooks via the browser by altering the headers. However, we can see that this is going to be limited going forward. We would also like to send a multi-page workbook via email rather than a...
  19. TimeTraveler

    A new JavaScript framework: JUNE

    Interesting. As of 10/2008, June hasn't made it to this list of JavasScript frameworks here: Comparison of JavaScript Frameworks I am only beginning to look at JavaScript Frameworks. It looks like June could be one to added to the consideration list. Thanks for the post.
  20. TimeTraveler

    Footer DIV lost - need at bottom

    Thanks everyone here on Tek-Tips! Between everyone's suggestions, I was able to put together the code below which works well enough. Pros: Keeps footer at the bottom of longer of menu or content. Content is always to right of menu, regardless of inner window size. Cons: When height of...

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