1. Go to terminals and sets > DN 500
Make LINE 061 appear and Ring
2. If you have an Auto attendant/CCR setup in the voice mail, Change Line 061 Answer to No.
CDB is LD 15 (LD 22 can be used to display PRT ATT or PRT NIT parameters. ( i don't have a live system and stopped working on CS1K in 2014 :)
MCR will stop ringing once answered. you can put that call on hold and answer the next key if there is a second incoming call.
Otherwise need to program...
1. M3904 Key 0 and Key 1 Change it to MCR DN
2. Change Key 2 and 3 to MCR DN if you need to answer more than 2 calls at the same time.
3. Change the Night DN to the DN of the 3904 set in the CDB
Not sure how you do the Right Fax ,but If you have DNs associated with it ,You can configure CLID entry different than a normal one but falls in teh same DID range. And then all right fax related DNs can be mapped with the same CLID
Thats going t be tough unless there is work around using CLID routing.
The otherway is to store the number in the address book and and match the incoming caller ID to a SPECIFIC Contact name so that at least there can be different display name for the incoming calls from this number
I did the firmware upload and converted the 11xx from UNISTIM to SIP.
I can register phone with the CM incoming/outgoing working fine.
I have below 2 requirements ,can Any one help?
1. I need to remove Presence and DND button from the Soft keys of the 1140 ( I know some of the features are...
It's a CC6.
In the CC management the agent name shows perfect.
But on generating the report for two agent IDs it shows the same name.If I delete the agent and recreate will I loose the statistics?
looks like the supervisors messed it creating and changing the agent.
Ideally it should be required should be less than the actual.You may have to reduce the duration for each type of reports.OR else your partition for database is small.
simulatnaeous ringing is possible only using MCR.
You will require an extra free button in which same new DN can be configured in all the TNs.ie:- you will need to change the phone sets with higher model.
I could not find this for the other supervisor's agents.
But you can do it for the supervisor only.
Try CLS DOS in the supervisory set.
(DOS) ACD Supervisory Set Denied observation of other
supervisory sets
Try changing CLS FTTC to FTTU.
Check the phone firmware.
Check MGC loadware.(We had this issue with the loadware before)
Also make sure you press the conference button again after the second party answers the call.
Check the conference loop for the concenrned super loop.
I have a cc6 softphone agent rel 3.0.3
The call timer works for normal extn setup.
But when it is configured as ACD the timer does not work.
Already checked the phone settings for call timer and kept enabled.
The digital agent sets its working fine.
Thanks for the lead.It was a softphone issue.But in my case the resolution was slightly different my version was 3.00. I upgraded the version to 3.03.0010 and the beep is working.
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