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Search results for query: *

  1. johnnyasterisk

    PHP Mail Pear Issue

    Hi there thanks for your reply found the issue.... It was selinux. Disabled SElinux and all is running fine.
  2. johnnyasterisk

    Free PBX 2.5 need correct Call Center phone

    Polycom phones for such features need the config pushed out over tftp/http/ftp provisioning. In the configuration file you can configure login/logout buttons etc. The Snom 821 is indeed a nice phone. However polycom are more robust. Polycom make a great quality phone but unfortunately they do...
  3. johnnyasterisk

    Asterisk call recording

    I would not add T in my dial options.... That allows the called part transfer the call. Very Dangerous. Can you post what is happening on the CLI when you make a call? Regards, Johnny
  4. johnnyasterisk

    PHP Mail Pear Issue

    So here is one of those issues that I really hate..... Appreciate anyones time if you can help. I have a php script setup to send a blank email through my mail server. The script is called send_alert.php When I run in from the CLI like so: php send_alert.php The email sends fine. However...
  5. johnnyasterisk

    PHP Form - Please Wait

    Hmmmm - i am looking for something simple - I have a basic understanding of this stuff.
  6. johnnyasterisk

    PHP Form - Please Wait

    I have 2 php pages: index.php - Is a simple form that collects information process.php - is reciving the variables from the form and is carrying out some actions to process data, send emails, send sms etc. However it takes about 10 seconds to fully run process.php after submitting the form...
  7. johnnyasterisk

    removing prefixes

    I have some calls that come into asterisk as a normal number in the format: 09X XXX XXX However depending on the carrier i sometimes get 03539X XXX XXX I want a way to remove the 353 ONLY if it is received in that format... Any Ideas?
  8. johnnyasterisk

    Mysql Query - Different Servers

    guys thanks for your replies. I have created a php script that does what I required above and I run that every 15 mins in a cron job.
  9. johnnyasterisk

    Mysql Query - Different Servers

    I have 2 servers: and both running mysql has a table called table1 has a table called table2 Both of these tables are the exact same structure. I need to know how to do the following: on table2 select the max(id) then use that value to: insert into table2 the...
  10. johnnyasterisk

    cross table update

    UPDATE intellicom.agent_performance ap, pbxware.ql_cache qlc SET ap.inbcalls = count(qlc.event = 'CONNECT') WHERE ap.agentid = qlc.type; the above query give me the following error "Invalid use of group function". However I am not wanting to group by... I am simple wanting to select values...
  11. johnnyasterisk

    Removing Files listed in a Text File

    I have a directory with over 200,000 files in it but some file are old. I also have a table in mysql which keeps a record of every file in that directory: Example: DIR = Recordings FILE = 1234567.gsm I can run a query on my table to fine specific files and dump that into a text file. For...
  12. johnnyasterisk

    voip calling from outlook

    If you using asterisk you could try outcall http://code.google.com/p/outcall/
  13. johnnyasterisk

    Anyone have bash script to delete all be x number of files?

    Hey try something like this: rm -f $(ls ABC* | head -n 10) This will remove all files that are returned by the command ls ABC* | head -n 10 ls ABC* will return all files that begin with the string ABC then pipe it to head -n 10 where 10 is the number of files you want to remove. Hope this helps.
  14. johnnyasterisk

    Running Shell Script in Crontab

    Hey guys... I have a shell script in a directory /home/mydir called getfiles.sh i want to run it every night however my problem is the file needs to run in its own directory because it needs to access stuff in there. Is there a way I can tell crontab to move into this directory before running...
  15. johnnyasterisk

    PRO3060 LAN TO WAN traffic

    The problem I have is the software is only licensed for the external domain name. So even if I was to browse locally it always tried to redirect me to the external domain name. I have resolved this by adding a DNS Loopback in the NAT rules on the sonicwall. Thanks for your help anyway.
  16. johnnyasterisk

    PRO3060 LAN TO WAN traffic

    I have a domain name which points to a public ip address which in turn is being nat'd through our pro3060 to a server on the LAN. When people on the LAN browse to this domain name they get page can not be displayed. I came accross this problem before when LAN users could not go out and come...
  17. johnnyasterisk

    VPN Identifiers Issue

    No my mac is 192.168.X.X and remote address is 192.0.X.X Thanks for the quick reply.
  18. johnnyasterisk

    VPN Identifiers Issue

    I am starting to hate my sonicwall pro3060.... I have a mac and am using VPN tracker as a vpn client. I have it working with a sonicwall pro2040 and the setting on the two devices are identical. However on the pro3060 I am getting the following error every time... "The gateway informed us that...
  19. johnnyasterisk

    PRI Caller name sending question

    I dont think I understand....? Are you trying to display a word on the handsets based on the callerid or the type of call that comes in on a specific DNIS on the PRI?
  20. johnnyasterisk

    TAPI 2.3 Issue

    WOW - No replies - Oh Dear :-( I think i have found the issue and it appears that in setting up the client you need a /x. Thanks anyway anyone who viewed.

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