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Search results for query: *

  1. arcbkc

    Embedding SQL "with" statement?

    Hi, does anyone know what the WITH statement does in the following code snipet? I am kinda new to embedding sql in RPG (been doing rpgIII for over 10 years). C+ CLAIMSTS <> 'X' and C+ GPINUMBER Like '54000030%') C+ with NC C/end-exec Rod
  2. arcbkc

    OK I know I've done this a million

    Are you wanting to use a diplay file in the cl and then submit the same cl to batch? If so do rtvjoba get TYPE. if TYPE = batch (1 or 0 I DON'T REMEMBER) then goto past the sndrcvf command used to display the screen. Rod
  3. arcbkc

    How do I debug an ILE program?

    1. Compile your program with DBGVIEW(*source) 2. strdbg 3. set break point 4. &quot;step into&quot; or what ever command key? - you will be returned to a command line. 5. call program Sorry, I don't know where to read about this. Rod
  4. arcbkc

    disable start button

    Check out windows Policies.. Rod
  5. arcbkc

    Hello , I am a newbie for the fo

    Korhan, tell me what you see when you add 1 + 1? Do you get 02 or 32? Rod
  6. arcbkc

    Hello , I am a newbie for the fo

    Hello, My first question for you is what assembler are you using? Are you working on an IBM clone pc? Rod
  7. arcbkc

    AS400 update file

    Is there a chance that some other program has opened the file using commitment control? Rod
  8. arcbkc

    playing .wav file just by clicking a button

    Hi, to begin with you will need to use the TMediaPlayer. Check the helps for TMediaPlayer. Rod
  9. arcbkc

    &quot;//&quot; type comments not a good idea?

    Hi, I am using IE6 and just found out that some characters following // (comments) caused javascript not to work correctly. I think the characters were carrage-return line-feed from some stupid editor. Anyone else had this problem? Thanks Rod
  10. arcbkc

    programproxy Search

    what?????????????????????????????????? Rod
  11. arcbkc

    Subfile Control Keywords

    Hi, if you want to use a subfile for data entry it must be displayed with empty fields. However, a subfile cannot be displayed if doesn't contain any data. So, you would use the SFLINZ with an indicator on the control record to allow the RPG (or cobol) program to initialize the subfile with...
  12. arcbkc

    Newbie help with string

    Hi, I don't remember why (but I will let you know). but you need to code it like this. jmp start ; Add this line. string db &quot;Hello World.$&quot; start: ; Add this line. mov ax,seg string mov ds,ax mov dx,OFFSET string mov ah,09h int 21h mov ax,4c00h int 21h Rod
  13. arcbkc

    Plz translate

    Have you created a project with a form and 2 memos componets? Rod
  14. arcbkc

    RPG Forum???

    Take a look at www.geocities.com/itpweb1/400/ Rod
  15. arcbkc

    Borland C++Builder assistance

    Hi, I'll try to help. Do you have all of the correct source in a single project folder? What is c:\ICPS\CFGMGR.OBJ? Do you have the source for CFGMGR.OBJ. What is folder c:\ICPS used for. Try to compile the program with only source files existing in your project folder. In other words...
  16. arcbkc

    RPG Forum???

    I here you there - it is such a pain to search the web for RPG programming with so many hits for Role Playing Games!! Rod
  17. arcbkc

    RPG Forum???

    Hi everyone, it seems to me that this RPG Forum should be renamed the AS400 Forum because there are so many non-RPG questions relating the the AS400. Any comments. Rod
  18. arcbkc

    it's me and my TImage again

    I am not sure if using the image canvas is a good idea. You might like to try using: img->Picture->LoadFromFile(&quot;blue.bmp&quot;); // You will need create a bmp file. img->AutoSize=true; also, img->InsertControl(img) MUST BE Form1->InsertControl(img); Would TShape work better for your...
  19. arcbkc

    problem with Image visibility

    Hi try this.... -------------------------------------------------------- TImage *IMG; // ** I assume you did this somewhere else? if((IMG = new TImage(this))==NULL) ShowMessage(&quot;Error ! [cannot create it]&quot;); //--- Form1->InsertControl(IMG); //** ADDED...
  20. arcbkc

    Problem with ReadFloat

    Hi, it appears that you might have entered the letter O instead of the number 0 (zero). The is a very common boo boo I have done it a number of time myself. Rod

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