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Hello , I am a newbie for the fo

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Sep 22, 2002
Hello ,

I am a newbie for the forum and
for the language. I just want to know
how we can display numbers not
ascII codes ?
I add two numbers and when I try to display
them , I see ascII code not the number value.
I have to do a calculator for class and
I don't know where to start.

Thanks in advance.
Hello, My first question for you is what assembler are you using? Are you working on an IBM clone pc? Rod
Yes I am using IBM PC with MASM 6.11.


Korhan, tell me what you see when you add 1 + 1? Do you get 02 or 32? Rod
I get 02 ascii, symbols.
Thanks for your interest.

if you are dealing with decimal numbers, just add 30h to every value to display:
ASCII "0" ...."9" have hex values 30h ... 39h
I have to do it digit by digit right?
So how can I write a big number?
I am very new so forgive my stupid questions.

Yes do it digit by digit.

To do big numbers (more than one digit), first divide the number into individual digits. You can just keep dividing by ten, then get the remainder which is the lowest digit. The remainder gets stored somewhere, and the result is divided again until it is zero, in which case all the digits have all been taken already. Then add 030h to each digit, and make sure you put them on screen in proper order.

I guess we all have to start somewhere.... "Information has a tendency to be free. Which means someone will always tell you something you don't want to know."
Thank you very much.
Now I have bigger problems.
I have to use subroutines for
multiplaction . Whnever I do
call xxxx

and in xxx


I don't return to where I came! Stack changes not
only IP, but CS as well. i tried many things, still I am stuck.

looks you are in 16-bit mode
to avoid pushing CS on the stack, declare your functions as NEAR

ProcName Proc near

ProcName endp

then you get near call

otherwise keep your functions as far but use RETF (RETurn Far) on exit
It is not recommended, BTW, that you use a xxx: type label as the argument for a 'Call' command. Do it properly: use xxx proc/endp. Rets inside a proc/endp will automatically be matched to the expected Call type, near or far.
"Information has a tendency to be free. Which means someone will always tell you something you don't want to know."
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