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  • Congratulations Mike Lewis on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  • Users: O2BNSV
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  1. O2BNSV

    Word - Merge if...than...else statements

    There are merge field operators available in word 2003. ONe that I use with some frequency is the If...then...else. I need to somehow create an if...than...else that runs of a date. I have created the following: {IF{MERGEFIELD CnMem_1_01_Cur_Expires_On} <= "datevalue(5/19/2008)" ""...
  2. O2BNSV

    List consolidation with multiple data sources

    This didn't work. I ended up consolidating the two excel sheets into one and added a column called source which contained a value of either List 1 or List 2. I then grouped on the field I was originally trying to link with and put the {table.source} in the detail. I added a group selection...
  3. O2BNSV

    List consolidation with multiple data sources

    Using v2008, how can I link to identical excel sheets (in terms of available fields) in such a way as to only return data that is present in one sheet, but not the other? I ran a mail merge list out of my database, merged the letters, etc. Then our volunteer coordinator said a lot of names...
  4. O2BNSV

    Custom Number Formatting

    Using vXI or v2008, is there a way to custom format a number so that decimal places only show if there are decimal values. Taking the following numbers 2 and 3.54, rather than making them appear 2.00 and 3.54, is there a formula that can make them appear 2 and 3.54? Please advise.
  5. O2BNSV

    Exporting into an Excel Sheet

    using vXI or v2008, I have created a report that has probably 40 columns, though only about 5 actually have data in them. The reason I need to do this is that I am using this report to pull data from one data source which will then be used for an import into a different data source. In order...
  6. O2BNSV

    Theoretical String Extraction

    I don't want to bog this down with the nuts and bolts of all that I am trying to do, but is it possible to extract a part of a string within parenthesis using vXI or v2008 as follows: 2 bottles of wine ($123.40) I am hoping to enter inventory items into a database that isn't really designed to...
  7. O2BNSV

    Keep Groups Together Across Columns

    Sure. Without any columns, the subreport prints as follows: Preferred Address P.O. Box 1234 Anytown, USA 12345 Phone 1: (123) 456-7890 Email 1: anyone@anywhere.com With the format of 2 columns it looks like: Preferred Address P.O. Box 1234 Anytown...
  8. O2BNSV

    Keep Groups Together Across Columns

    I have a similar issue. I have a subreport with multiple addresses. The first group is on address type, the second group is the address itself and the detail is comprised of the phone numbers associated with each respective address. I have the subreport formatted into 2 columns with the...
  9. O2BNSV

    Combining Values from Different Tables

    Using v2008 or vXI, is it possible to combine values from several different tables into one field from which a group can be created? I work with a database that has "attributes" which are essentially user defined fields. When I report directly off the back-end tables, all these attributes live...
  10. O2BNSV

    Assign shared data passed frm main rpt to subrpt selection formula

    Just an addition to your shared variable formula: for the formula you've created in the sub-report, modify it as follows: whileprintingrecords; Shared dateTimeVar myTest1; myTest1 The variable won't share without the its name listed after the variable declaration phrase. That should at least...
  11. O2BNSV

    Cascading Group Formulas

    using v2008: I have a report with a number of groups. However, the groups are not constant in that group #4 might be {table.fund} or {table.package} depending on whether or not group #3 is equal to a certain value. Ultimately, I need to create a summary on the final group based on a value in...
  12. O2BNSV

    Sort limited records after data pull

    You might try putting this data into a cross tab. Try putting the alpha name in the row and your date formula in the column heading and putting the credit amount in the detail. Doing so would allow you to have your topN = 100 records show in alphabetical order, you would still have the same...
  13. O2BNSV

    Null Values with an Excel data source

    using v11, I am running into issues with blank column values when using an excel sheet as a data source. Neither isnull(field) nor field = "" allows me to account for black cells. Is there a different command I am missing. Here is an example: if {answers.coartist?} = "Yes" and...
  14. O2BNSV

    Yearly attendance formula

    OK. I got the logical side of the equation to work and can save with no errors. However, again I am limited since the event start date and participant ID are in separate tables. I am guessing I need to include this in the select formula. Knowing basically nothing about SQL commands, would it...
  15. O2BNSV

    Yearly attendance formula

    I think I figured out why this error might be received. Event Start date and Participant ID live in 2 different tables. I am unfamiliar with SQL. What changes need to be made and can anyone recommend a good book on SQL basics?
  16. O2BNSV

    Yearly attendance formula

    So this is the SQL expression I've created based on your input: ( select min("START_DATE") from table A where A."participantID" = "Participants"."ID" ) When I check the formula, I get the following error: Error in compiling SQL Expression: Database Connector Error: '42000:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL...
  17. O2BNSV

    Yearly attendance formula

    Using v2008, can anyone recommend a formula to be placed in a cross-tab where I could calculate new, unique event participants to the same event on a year to year basis. My goal is to have a simple count of new participants as the output.
  18. O2BNSV

    Parameter Formula

    It works like this: I create a data export in our software. It exports into an access database (which it overwrites evertime it exports). I create the report based on this export. Then, so that all database users can run these reports, I create a "custom report" within the software that does...
  19. O2BNSV

    Parameter Formula

    it worked...when I run the report directly from crystal. However, I'm limited by our database software. When I try to run it out of our software, it won't run it because the view table, while generated from data in the export, is not present in the export. Anyway, thanks for the tip. That's...
  20. O2BNSV

    Parameter Formula

    We have an msde version that came with the software we use. I forgot that it wouldn't matter because how our software integrates with Crystal is that data is exported into an access database, from which reports are generated. Anyway, I'm not good with SQL commands. Would it be something like...

Part and Inventory Search
