Using v2008, can anyone recommend a formula to be placed in a cross-tab where I could calculate new, unique event participants to the same event on a year to year basis. My goal is to have a simple count of new participants as the output.
select min(`EventDate`)
from Table A
where A.`ParticipantID` = `Table`.`ParticipantID`
Add this as your column field in the crosstab->group options->print on change of year. Then use a distinctcount of {table.participantId} as your summary field.
I think I figured out why this error might be received. Event Start date and Participant ID live in 2 different tables. I am unfamiliar with SQL. What changes need to be made and can anyone recommend a good book on SQL basics?
OK. I got the logical side of the equation to work and can save with no errors. However, again I am limited since the event start date and participant ID are in separate tables. I am guessing I need to include this in the select formula. Knowing basically nothing about SQL commands, would it be something like the following:
from "Special_Event"
from "Participants" Left Outer Join "Special_Event" On
"Participants"."EventID"="Special_Event"."ID" A
where a."ID"="Participants"."ID"
Just a stab. Please let me know what corrections need to be made. Thanks.
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