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Search results for query: *

  1. iamkillyou

    Cookies via java objects

    Does anyone know how to create a java object in a cfscript block that will write a cookie? I ask this because in my application I want to read or set, read to verify that I wrote one and increment a unique visitor counter. The problem is the cookie scope - even if the visiting browser has...
  2. iamkillyou

    alternative to paragraphformat( )?

    This is probably bit more than you want - but it converts whatever they entered into html and vice versa if need be: http://www.depressedpress.com/Content/Development/ColdFusion/Extensions/DP_ParseBBML/Index.cfm My website, or a bad habit? BarSmart
  3. iamkillyou

    Newbie Question

    You need to server the page with blue dragon - there is a free version on their webpage: http://www.newatlanta.com/c/products/bluedragon/download/showLicenseAgreement?sku=BD-15-062-d My website, or a bad habit? BarSmart
  4. iamkillyou

    Setting the html before you have the data

    cfhtmlhead is working really well for me. Thanks a lot guys. My website, or a bad habit? BarSmart
  5. iamkillyou

    custom tag

    Something like this may work for you, this is how I handle edits and such for my admin tools using an onclick handler. <cfparam name="yourmode" default="list"> <html> <head> <script language="javascript"> function handle_delete() { if ( confirm( "Are you sure?" ) ) {...
  6. iamkillyou

    Setting the html before you have the data

    OK here's the answer to the question: Use cfhtmlhead What you need to do is remove the title from your header template, and on all of your display templates do this: <cfhtmlhead text="<title>mysite.com - whatever custom title you want with generated dynamic content in it</title>"> and it...
  7. iamkillyou

    Setting the html before you have the data

    ok cfsavecontent will work, but many hoops need to be jumped thru to return a title variable back to the calling template, deciding on if it's worth it to hack the code this way or to just start redesigning templates. If anyone knows of a way to append to an html title server side, please let...
  8. iamkillyou

    Setting the html before you have the data

    Well I can't really cleanly include it first, because it has display data in it, and all of those templates before it are headers and other display stuffs, so they have to be before it. I suppose I can include it first and save the generated content to a variable THEN place that variable where...
  9. iamkillyou

    Setting the html before you have the data

    I think I need to redesign my entire site, but before I do that I'm asking here. Every page on my site has a header/footer template which are called like this: <!--- events.cfm ---> <cfinclude template="top.cfm"> <!---some layout stuff here---> <cfinclude template="a_events.cfm">...
  10. iamkillyou

    apostrophy &amp; carriage return

    <cfset name = Replace(Name, "‘", "'", "ALL")> <cfset name = Replace(Name, "’", "'", "ALL")> <cfset name = Replace(Name, "—", "&mdash;", "ALL")> <cfset name = Replace(Name, "–", "&ndash;", "ALL")> <cfset name = Replace(Name, "“", "#Chr(34)#", "ALL")> <cfset name = Replace(Name, "”", "#Chr(34)#"...
  11. iamkillyou

    CFHTTP help and advice needed.

    Think of cfhttp as a web browser with javascript disabled on a computer without a monitor. Any limitation a browser like that would have, would apply to cfhttp. So if this site requires javascript then this may not work. Try disabling javascript on your computer, login and see if you can use...
  12. iamkillyou

    Determine the client time??

    I use this function... http://www.cflib.org/udf.cfm?ID=989 and compare it the users stored offset time in their session structure, but this requires the user being logged in.
  13. iamkillyou

    Rejecting long filenames before the file is stored via cffile?

    I'm doing it this way... (I know this probably shouldn't go here but in the future if anyone follows this thread it will help) <script language="JavaScript"> function testInput(){ fullpath = document.forms['upload_form'].UploadFile.value; filename =...
  14. iamkillyou

    Rejecting long filenames before the file is stored via cffile?

    The system is naming the file as specified in my post above -- I can see it when I ftp to the site as well. The problem is that I can not delete it even from ftp. I think I am going to do an 'on click' on the upload button that checks the length of the input text; to nip this in the bud...
  15. iamkillyou

    Rejecting long filenames before the file is stored via cffile?

    Well the issue is with the file name being too long, when outputting my cfcatch errors I see: The destination "E:\SiteData\webppliance\conf\domains\websitepart\InetPub\wwwroot\ tmp\uploads\11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111...
  16. iamkillyou

    Rejecting long filenames before the file is stored via cffile?

    I was hoping there would be a way to reject the upload with a coldfusion only approach... I'll look into it though. My "pie in the sky" dream answer, was an undocumented cffile flag like: <cffile action="uploadtest" maxfilelength="50".....
  17. iamkillyou

    Rejecting long filenames before the file is stored via cffile?

    I'm writing an image upload script, and I'm trying to make it as secure as possible, but I have run into an issue with very long file names. I believe I have tried everything, but I cannot stop cffile from storing a filename that is too long onto my server. I have cfdumped all of the variables...
  18. iamkillyou

    Populating an array(?) from a DB field containing multiple values

    I do sort of what tek posted on my site. http://www.barsmart.com I have Bartypes table and an nBartypes table. The BarTypes table stores the location id of the bar, the bartypeid of the type of bar it is (which can be many) and the primary key is just an autonumber. The nBarTypes table has...
  19. iamkillyou

    Checkboxes to select box

    Why not just have the user select visa from the select box? From what you explained it sounds like you want the options in a select box to change based on what value a certain checkbox has, in this case the page needs to be submitted for coldfusion to handle what you want to to. If this is what...
  20. iamkillyou

    how to test to see if parameters were passed

    That's what I was looking for thanks.

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