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Search results for query: *

  1. hindsjl

    Relocate Horizontal Scrollbar to Top of Form

    I have a large form, which the user has to scroll horizontally to see the whole thing. By default the scrollbar appears at the bottom of the form. It would be easier for users, however, if the scrollbar appeared at the top of the form, in or near the form Header. How to do this? Please note...
  2. hindsjl

    Force acceptance of a single space ' ' in a Text column?

    Thank you all. I was hoping for a global setting that would tell Access to "stop second-guessing and just read the file", or something like that. No luck there, but your solutions came close enough. Remou's code has to be modified once for each table and inputfile -- though I suppose it could...
  3. hindsjl

    Force acceptance of a single space ' ' in a Text column?

    I'm working with data downloaded from a company database (Oracle), which was built on a convention that a single space ' ' would be the default value for all text columns in all tables. There are _many_ of these ' ' values in the database. When I import downloaded textfiles into Access, these...
  4. hindsjl

    BO reports 'closing' BO client

    This may or may not help, but we've run into a similar problem with one particular report running on v5; about half of our users can refresh with no problem, while the other half get crashes consistently. We haven't got around to experimenting yet, but do know that this report's query returns...
  5. hindsjl

    where statement in Impromptu

    OK, so you do want the If Then Else. Create a calculated column named Period_31, defined as total ( if (Period = 31) then (Amount) else (0) ) Then create similar calculated columns for the other periods. Sorry I misinterpreted the question. John
  6. hindsjl

    Copy Metadata information to notepad or excel

    Srikrishnan - Cool! I think you've helped me more than I can help you. But I'll try. It appears that you want everything that follows the word "MsgBox" written to a text file: ... Else MsgBox "[ Query Item #" & i & "]" & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & _ "Name =...
  7. hindsjl

    where statement in Impromptu

    Go to Report, Query, Filter. The expressions you put in the Filter window are essentially the Where clause, minus the word "Where". E.g., Month = 8 and Region = 'NE' "If then else" constructs can be used in calculating the values of data items, but they don't work in the...
  8. hindsjl

    Copy Metadata information to notepad or excel

    Srikrishnan - This method is strictly manual, but it usually works. From the Impromptu menu, open the report and then go to Report, Query, Profile, SQL. If the report is relatively simple, it will resolve to a single SQL statement which you can manually copy and paste into Notepad or...
  9. hindsjl

    how to show text

    Whoops. No, 23951 is how many members they have. It's forum 701. John
  10. hindsjl

    how to show text

    Shadd - If I understand your problem correctly -- that you want an Access macro to insert a row into a SS table -- then your solution is entirely an Access one, requiring Access operators, formulas, syntax, etc. From Access menus, use File, Get External Data, Link Tables, and establish a...
  11. hindsjl

    Partial result

    Niccos - Are Tables A and B identical in structure (all the same fields, in the same native order)? If not, try creating the view with specifically named fields, rather than with "select *": create view TableALL as select MMCODMAG,MMCODART,MMVALMAG,MMQTAMOV, MMDATREG from TableA...
  12. hindsjl

    Distiller Job Options change on their own

    Kevin - With Distiller 5, I could never get Job Options changes to "stick" if I entered them directly in Distiller. However, when I went to Start, Settings, Printers, and configured the Distiller "printer" there, the settings "stuck". Different behavior from what...
  13. hindsjl

    Union Query Logic

    Try this: SELECT qCombined.Name AS Details FROM qCombined WHERE qCombined.Name like ([Forms]![Title Page]![Assistant]); When ([Forms]![Title Page]![Assistant]) is a valid name or ID, "Like" will give you the exact matches only. When ([Forms]![Title Page]![Assistant]) is '*'...
  14. hindsjl

    How update Impromputu catalog 'folder'?

    <Would be it be just as good to rename the existing folder then rename the newly generated folder to the existing name, rather than cut and paste the new column into the existing folder?> Not as good. Reports actually refer to catalog objects not by the names displayed in the folder, but by an...
  15. hindsjl

    Can I do mulitple outer joins on derived tables?

    Thanks. I think previous versions of Access were much less capable of handling subqueries, and rejected multiple outer joins completely. You get used to an irritating workaround, then MS lifts those restrictions in a later version and doesn't tell anyone! John
  16. hindsjl

    Having trouble with group by query...

    OK. In my &quot;not in&quot;, I was excluding JobIDs, when I should have been excluding ApplicantIDs. select distinct a.applicantid from ApplicationsTable a inner join JobsTable b on a.JobId=b.JobId where b.JobStatusID in (2,4,5) and a.applicantid not in (select c.applicantid...
  17. hindsjl

    Having trouble with group by query...

    Left out the a. select distinct a.applicantid from ApplicationsTable a inner join JobsTable b on a.JobId=b.JobId where b.JobStatusID in (2,4,5) and a.JobId not in (select JobId from JobsTable where JobStatusID in (1,3) ) John
  18. hindsjl

    Having trouble with group by query...

    Sorry. select distinct a.applicantid from ApplicationsTable a inner join JobsTable b on a.JobId=b.JobId where b.JobStatusID in (2,4,5) and JobId not in (select JobId from JobsTable where JobStatusID in (1,3) ) John
  19. hindsjl

    Having trouble with group by query...

    I can't test this just now, but try select distinct a.applicantid from ApplicationsTable a inner join JobsTable b on a.JobId=b.JobId left join (select JobId from JobsTable where JobStatusID in (1,3) ) c on a.JobId=c.JobId where b.JobStatusID in (2,4,5) and...
  20. hindsjl

    Getting Round Catalog Inner Joins

    Just to confirm -- Hours worked are held in one table, days of absence are held in a second table, and employee info is held in a third table, which the catalog has inner-joined to the first two tables? John

Part and Inventory Search
