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  1. DRendar1978

    csvde and ldifde

    Hi everyone, I hope someone can help me with this as its driving me NUTS!. I have recently migrated over 1500 users from an NT4 domain to a brand spanking new 2k domain, I used ADMT, and everything went smoothly. My problem is this: All of the users Profile and Homedrive paths are still...
  2. DRendar1978

    IP address conflict with device on different IP adress!!

    Yes, we have support contracts with 30-40 establishments, and we're installing Wireless kit all over... There are a lot of old listed buildings around here, so not many people can have structured cabling installed, and its cheaper to just buy in bulk once or twice a year :) -- Dash "I...
  3. DRendar1978

    IP address conflict with device on different IP adress!!

    I guess great minds think alike Mattb7, Thats exactly what I did yesterday, and I just got a call from the guys this morning to say that now the other Wireless PC cannot connect to the Network. Luckily I have about 100 in stock, so I'm off to swap it now.. Thanks anyway! :) -- Dash "I...
  4. DRendar1978

    Possible to add printers with admin account for another user?

    Sure, Its a doddle: I'm assuming here that none of your users already have login scripts. (Replace the bits in <>'s with relevent data from your network) Go into ADU&C and double click the user in question. Click Profile and enter something like &quot;printer1.bat&quot; into the login Script...
  5. DRendar1978

    win 2000 pro under NTFS,FAT,FAT32??????????please help

    Haven't done it for a while, but can you not run the Drive converter to change from FAT32 to NTFS without destroying the partition? NTFS is much better as it fixes minor problems itself, i.e. No need to run Scandisk if you have a power cut or something :) -- Dash &quot;I don't suffer from...
  6. DRendar1978

    Windows - Delayed Write Failed

    I got the delayed Write error stuff a while ago when accessing my SCSI HDD on My XPsp1 machine at home, Also My SCSI CDR kept disappearing from My Computer. I realised this had started happening around the same time I installed by new PCI sound Card, so I moved my SCSI controller to another...
  7. DRendar1978

    Possible to add printers with admin account for another user?

    If the printer is local to the machine, then when you add it, it is available to all users on that machine. If the printer is networked, then your best bet would be to add it during the logon process, I do this using con2prt.exe It comes with the NT4 Resource Kit, but works beautifully with 2k...
  8. DRendar1978

    IP address conflict with device on different IP adress!!

    By the way I have tried changing both IP addresses to no avail :( -- Dash &quot;I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every Minute!!!!!&quot;
  9. DRendar1978

    IP address conflict with device on different IP adress!!

    Here's a wierd one: 2 PC's, linked with Wireless Network cards to a Wireless Access Point which is connected to a Switch, which has another PC and a network Printer attached. All PC's are running 2000 SP3, everything works fine until: One of the Wireless PC's reports an IP address Conflict...
  10. DRendar1978

    Win2k in Multiple NT Domain environment

    wolluf Thanks for those, I'll have a look when I'm not on a censored Internet connection... I do support contracts for schools so all tyhe internet connections I have access to during the week have chat sites filtered, and our proxy thinks that Yahoo Groups is a chat site :) -- Dash &quot;I...
  11. DRendar1978

    Set target for 'My Documents' at logon

    Thanks for the replys & sorry I havn't replyed sooner..... Ive been insanely busy :-/ Ive actually managed to get the target of U: to stick.... The reason it wasn't working before is that one of the users I was logging in as to create the Mandatory profile had its homedrive set as H: instead of...
  12. DRendar1978

    Win2k in Multiple NT Domain environment

    I'd have to ask the NT guy... Its not something i've done personally, But we have a site where theer are over 200 NT4 Machines and they can flick between domains just by logging off and choosing the other domain. The domains aren't linked in anyway, No trust relationships or anything, you just...
  13. DRendar1978

    Set target for 'My Documents' at logon

    Hi All, We have some 2000 Machines that are being introduced into an NT4 domain, At logon, the U: is assigned to the users homedrive \\servername\homedrives$\%username% How do I make the &quot;My Documents&quot; folder target this either by pointing it at U: or at the UNC address for their...
  14. DRendar1978

    Win2k in Multiple NT Domain environment

    Hi all, I hope someone can help me with this.. Its driving me up the wall! Fairly simple to explain: Windows 2000 Pro I want to configure it to connect to 2 different Domains, so that I can choose which one I connect to from the drop-down box at logon. We have done it doesens of times with...
  15. DRendar1978

    I hope someone can help me with thi

    2Fustrated... Remember that when you force the FSB higher to Overclock your processor, you are also overclocking your AGP and PCI slots... In my experience ATI's do not like to be overclocked, and as Eguy said, with just 100 extra MHz on a 1.7Gig CPU, Are you really going to gain any benefit...
  16. DRendar1978

    Complete Ex2k Newbie needs help with smtp setup..

    Thanks Dan, I've gone to the Advanced Delivery Tab on the Virtual SMTP server. Is the 'masquerade domain' our registered domain we registered for email? eg company.co.uk If not, what do i put in here? The fully qualified Domain; what do I put in here? Its currently got the domain...
  17. DRendar1978

    Complete Ex2k Newbie needs help with smtp setup..

    Hi all, Ive just started working on the server side after several years client side and am working at a new company. We have EX2K installed on a W2K Advanced Server, Internet is provided through a Netpilot (Linux Based ISDN router) Clients running Win2k & Outlook2k or XP My problem is this...

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