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Search results for query: *

  1. Syaodzir

    template help? how to instantiate??

    By specifying parameter types point <int> myPoint (int [COLOR=BLACK]x, [COLOR=BLUE]int[COLOR=BLACK] y); It looks very much like a declaration. Should you not be doing something like point <int> myPoint (1, 2); or point <int> myPoint (x, y); ??? If this isn't the problem then mayby if you give...
  2. Syaodzir

    Which message Window send to my app before it close?

    If your program can quit safely you should return TRUE after processing the WM_QUERYENDSESSION. When you receive the WM_ENDSESSION message the WPARAM parameter will be TRUE if the system is shutting down or FALSE if an application has indicated it can not shut down properly. This allows you deal...
  3. Syaodzir

    dynamically determining the variable name of an object instance

    Using the above example, if i was to pass the name as a parameter then the creation of the instance would look like this: var aPointlessVar = new Pointless(&quot;aPointlessVar&quot;); then in the constructor this.name = myName is equivalent to this.name = &quot;aPointlessVar&quot; so that the...
  4. Syaodzir

    Hello group ;o) i have written t

    try changing it to this: function validForm(theForm) { //only check the fields if the noemailaddress element is unchecked if(!theForm.noemailaddress.checked) { //this checks the first email element has a value if (theForm.email1.value == &quot;&quot;) {...
  5. Syaodzir

    Chat Rooms

    On a related note if you want to stop search engine robots from indexing you pages then put a text file called robots.txt in you root directory. Example content: User-agent: * Disallow: /admin/ User-agent: * Disallow: /chat/ EMail: lgworks at uklinux.net
  6. Syaodzir

    dynamically determining the variable name of an object instance

    Example: // prototype method function _Pointless_Inc() { this.x++; setTimeout(this.name + &quot;.Inc()&quot;, 1000); //will cause an error } // constructor function Pointless() { if(!Pointless.prototype.Inc) { Pointless.prototype.Inc = _Pointless_Inc; } this.x = 0...
  7. Syaodzir

    dynamically determining the variable name of an object instance

    The point is to make the object have the ability to determine everything itself. The object should not have to rely on external input like passing the instance variable name or creating global arrays. These are options but not what i am looking for. tnks anyway. EMail: lgworks at uklinux.net
  8. Syaodzir

    dynamically determining the variable name of an object instance

    Is it possible to dynamically determine the variable name of an object instance, e.g, I create an instance of my object: NewObject = new MyObject(); Within the constructor i want to be able to determine that the instance is called &quot;NewObject&quot;: function MyObject() { this.name =...
  9. Syaodzir

    attaching files using CF express as a server

    You get very little with cf express and there seems no way around it except to use another language :( I had the same problem so i used php to do the file handling stuff and it works fine and is completely transparent to the user ( if were my choice however i would use only php, but it aint)...
  10. Syaodzir

    Can I use quotes within the HREF attribute of the &lt;A&gt; tag?

    Just mix quotes, e.g, <A HREF='http://www.xyz.com?Name=#LCase(&quot;#Mid(n, 1, 5)#&quot;)#' or <A HREF=&quot;http://www.xyz.com?Name=#LCase('#Mid(n, 1, 5)#')#&quot; lachlan@cynaptic.net
  11. Syaodzir

    CFPARAM Error

    You should have: <CFPARAM NAME=&quot;Form.creditcard&quot; default=&quot;No&quot;> Hope this helps lachlan@cynaptic.net
  12. Syaodzir

    Another Drop Down Menu List Question!

    This is really a javascript question. You have specified 'location' therefore the document will be loaded in the current position, in this case your 'header' frame. You need to specify the frame you want to target here e.g, instead of location you need something like...
  13. Syaodzir

    CFMAIL - Replying

    Try assigning the query value Message.From to a variable first e.g, <CFSET MailFrom = '#Message.From#'> then use MailFrom for the other operations e.g, <CFSET MailFrom=RemoveChars(MailFrom, 1, Find(&quot;<&quot;, MailFrom, 1))> any luck? lachlan@cynaptic.net
  14. Syaodzir

    CFMAIL - Replying

    Try this First: <CFSET From=RemoveChars(From, 1, Find(&quot;<&quot;, From, 1))> This strips everything upto and including the < character Next: <CFSET From=RemoveChars(From, Find(&quot;>&quot;, From, 1), 1)> This removes the trailing > character Finally if you want you can do: <CFSET...
  15. Syaodzir

    CFFILE output- any way to format

    just noticed that i'm mixing languages... dont use &quot;\n\n&quot; use Chr(10) for line feeds Chr(13) for carriage returns Chr(9) for tabs e.g, <CFSET ErrorMsgVar=Replace(ErrorMsgVar, &quot;<BR>&quot;, Chr(10), &quot;ALL&quot;)> Also note that ALL should be in quotes Sorry about the...
  16. Syaodzir

    CFFILE output- any way to format

    Actualy...Much simpler to do: <CFSET ErrorMsgVar = Replace(ErrorMsgVar, &quot;<P>&quot;, &quot;&quot;, ALL)> etc, etc...
  17. Syaodzir

    CFFILE output- any way to format

    You could alwasy use the replace function to strip the offending tags out e.g, <CFSET FormatedErrorMsg = Replace(OriginalErrMsgVar, &quot;<P>&quot;, &quot;&quot;, ALL)> You could alternatively put in line breaks like this: <CFSET FormatedErrorMsg = Replace(OriginalErrMsgVar, &quot;<P>&quot...
  18. Syaodzir

    Getting information out of forms in a SQLdatabase

    Changer the first page form section to look like this: <CFSET InputList=&quot;&quot;> <CFSET InputCount=0> <CFFORM NAME=&quot;test&quot; action=&quot;test.cfm&quot;> <cfoutput query=&quot;strSQL&quot;> <PRE> <cfinput type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;#RegDescr#&quot...
  19. Syaodzir

    mySQL functions

    Just go here, http://www.php3.com/manual/ref.mysql.php You should find all you need :-)
  20. Syaodzir

    Getting information out of forms in a SQLdatabase

    I'm not sure what your doing, maybe if you post a snip of your code i could help more, are you setting the field name like this: <INPUT NAME=&quot;#RegDescr#&quot; TYPE&quot;inputtype&quot;> if so make sure you have surrounded the statement with a <CFOUTPUT> tag which specifies the query name...

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