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Search results for query: *

  1. xtendscott

    Excel - Macro to copy a worksheet to other workbooks

    OK, under References I have: [x] Visual Basic For Application [x] Microsoft Excel 11..0 Object library [x] OLE Automation [x] Microsoft Office 11.0 Object library I tried a more manual way to update a file and then running a "Personal Macro" and was having similar issues. I finally found what...
  2. xtendscott

    Excel - Macro to copy a worksheet to other workbooks

    When I use your code, I get a "Compile Error: Can't find project or library". Looking that up in Google, it could be related to a missing "Reference", I do have one that appears to be empty called "Reference to CBDevkit.xla" I don't know what that is or how to get rid of it if it is related...
  3. xtendscott

    Excel - Macro to copy a worksheet to other workbooks

    This is what I was able to get and had to "replace" the prior FILE name with "" to reference the current FILE. How would you insert your code into this? Sub Scott_Test() Sheets("Export_Data").Select Sheets("Export_Data").Copy After:=Workbooks("tempSheet.xls").Sheets(35)...
  4. xtendscott

    Excel - Macro to copy a worksheet to other workbooks

    I currently have 100+ workbooks (seperate excel files but all the same basic workbook) and wanting to update them to include a new worksheet that adds additional calculations on some of the data within the current workbook. Copy worksheet from A.xls to b.xls, c.xls, d.xls, ect.(within a...
  5. xtendscott

    What more can I do to optimize my site?

    ChrisHirst, Interested if you have tested the code yet for SE's following JScript links? xtendscott Home Improvement Watch | Cryosurgery | Walla Walla Portal | Walla Walla Martial Arts
  6. xtendscott

    DMOZ edited a Submission and screwed it up.

    Thanks for the advice Chris, I did use the "update" listing and explained what was incorrect and it has already been corrected. ilovestickers, I will remember that bit of info also, but luckily didn't need it this time. xtendscott Home Improvement Watch | Cryosurgery | Walla Walla Portal |...
  7. xtendscott

    DMOZ edited a Submission and screwed it up.

    OK, I appreciate the fact that the Site was added, but they used very little text I provided and got facts wrong. It seems the editor visited the site and read a small portion then made changes to the description. Put in another person's name that was mentioned on a page they read as the...
  8. xtendscott

    IFrames and search engines

    The iframed pages may get indexed, but the text on those pages does not "help or harm" you for ranking the page the iframes are located in. Each page is ranked on their own not collectively in a framed page. If you want the framed page to "help" the page it is located in, I would use a...
  9. xtendscott

    200 returned when page 404

    ChrisHirst is right that it would normally mean that a custom 404 page is being used. On the custom 404 page, you would need to code in "proper header" information for the 404. Returning the proper header depends on scripting language you use. Here are a few I found. PHP: <?php...
  10. xtendscott

    keywords list at page's bottom

    For "localizing" I have had success with a list of towns at the bottom of the content. Is that KW stuffing? This has infact helped ranking for searches with the town name with other KW'ds. I don't see why it wouldn't help with other kw'ds. If you notice I did only say "help", my doubts in...
  11. xtendscott

    What more can I do to optimize my site?

    Oh, and that code is from Dec 2003. That I tested it with. xtendscott Home Improvement Watch | Cryosurgery | Walla Walla Portal | Walla Walla Martial Arts
  12. xtendscott

    What more can I do to optimize my site?

    Hmm, coming up with the exact code from over a year ago. Will have to do some looking. I am pretty sure it was the basic scripts that Dream Weaver put out at the time. I guess what brought me to test it was a local Chamber website for the longest time had very few page indexed because of its...
  13. xtendscott

    SEO Question

    Sounds like it was a lazy developer and was using DW or FP to develope the included files. Those programs automatically create "proper" full page html code. xtendscott Home Improvement Watch | Cryosurgery | Walla Walla Portal | Walla Walla Martial Arts
  14. xtendscott

    What more can I do to optimize my site?

    Wow, this thread is like the Energizer Bunny.... But one of my observations is that you are still using the Javascript menu system. If you must use the javascript, I would try to make the url in it the full url(h**p://w**.urlgoeshere.com/page.htm). * was put in to kill autolinking. Google and...
  15. xtendscott

    What more can I do to optimize my site?

    MSN and Yahoo have algo's that seem to give onpage factors higher value. Google, weights offsite factors (links and anchor text, content of page that contains the links) higher. The more links on pages with related content and the right anchor text helps tremendously. Also google values the...
  16. xtendscott

    Email Rules on Two Computers?

    What if we setup the POP3 Connector to retrieve the email? xtendscott Home Improvement Watch | Cryosurgery | Walla Walla Portal | Walla Walla Martial Arts
  17. xtendscott

    Email Rules on Two Computers?

    Client has SBS 2003, has external pop3 accounts setup in the client that want to be routed to specific folders. We set up the rules on one and it works, then import them to the other(and have accounts setup too) and it says next to the rules "Other Machine". Is there a way to get Exchange to...
  18. xtendscott

    Migrate from Server 2000 to SBS 2003

    OK, I got a new box and wanting to put SBS 2003 on it. I currently have Server 2000 as a DC and File Server. As I understand SBS 2003 wants/needs to be the DC. Is it possible to connect the SBS 2003 as a Backup Domain Controller(BDC) then Promote it? I don't really want to have to...
  19. xtendscott

    Copying Database, primary keys, and indexes.

    So do you copy the tables and then copy the objects? Thanks for the help. xtendscott Home Improvement Watch | Cryosurgery | Walla Walla Portal | Walla Walla Martial Arts

Part and Inventory Search
