1. Check the rounding/decimal places if it is a number type.
2. Put brackets arond calculations to ensure they are executed as per your need.
I faced the same problem. Above were the solutions.
It would read as
Sorry.. There were some fires to take care of..
Here is the code
The id is the one that is generated when you publish the report.
That is possible if you refreshed the report. By default, the database logon information is not copied unless checked when publishing.
Also, check your report refresh properties, since that has the refresh database logon checked by default.
yes. I have CE10 environment and I am using the unmanaged approach and just now moving to managed approach. Had no problems with either. Given a choice I would stick to unmanaged.
Thanks a lot! My concern is that the repository should not have objects that are not being used in any report or to find out which reports get affected by change to a repository function.
How would that help??
My report displays as
50,000 (Group 1)
Club a (Group 2) - sales, Sales per 100 m (formula above)etc
Club b (Group 2) - sales, Sales per 100 m (formula above)etc
100000 Group level 1)
Club c - sales, Sales per 100 m (formula above)etc
Club d - sales, Sales per 100 m...
I am using CR 10. One of my column is a formula calculation and the user wants data sorting on that column. Any roundabout way to achieve this??
My formula is (Sum ({@YearEntered_YTD_ Sales}, {@Merge Club})/{Sheet1_.2004 Membership}) * 100 at a group header level.
My grand total is different - report footer. The subtotal is at the group footer and club total is at group header level and is a merge of clubs total. The detail is suppressed. Let me try and see. I had tried your approach but in a diff way but your took the formula approach while I defined a...
I did that and it gives me the last record's percentagect percentage and I can't figure what I am doing wrong. I even tried creating a variable to sum at the header level and use that at the footer level. What did you mean by outer group level.
The club level is a summary of detail transactions.
The subtotal is a summary of those. They are summations. The difference will be the formula I displayed. This is what I use at the header level to calculate percentage difference -
if Sum ({@YTD_Prev_Year_Sales}, {@Merge Club}) <> 0 AND Sum...
I tried to simplify the data here. In the header I have each record as a summation. The subtotal is the summation of these. So how should the formula change?
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