Is there a way to add a search pane to IE 7. Much like the Yahoo seach pane in IE 6. I have a couple of users that would like to have the pane on the left side while the results displayed on the right. I have searched Microsoft add-in's but was unable to find anything similiar.
The free program I use is Simple File Shredder from Scar5 Software. There is a link to download the file @
Here is the X out portion of the serial port and the ethernet port
interface Ethernet0
ip address secondary
ip address
ip access-group 101 in
no ip unreachables
no ip directed-broadcast
ip nat inside
no cdp enable
interface Serial0...
The 1601 has the first public IP, the 185 address, the serial device has a serial IP which the router has the second serial IP. I did mistype we do have 6 public address 185-190 I just did not count the first public address since it is being used by the router.
We have a T1 connections with 5 public addresses
Current configuration:
version 12.0
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname router1
boot system flash:c1600-oy-mz.120-25.bin
enable password
ip subnet-zero
ip inspect...
While I would love to upgrade the router unfortunately that is not going to happen anytime soon. So I am stuck using the 1601 with IOS 12. Is there any way to write a config that will allow me to pass all the traffic through to the firewall?
I have a 1601R router that I need to pass all traffic to a new firewall/intrusion prevention device. The new firewall will be handling all internal nat to my servers. My current setup is coming from TSU to router then I am using the router to nat any requst for the mail server to the firewall...
I have a Cisco 1601R router that I need to pass all traffic to a new network appliance that will handle all of my internal nat addresses what would I need to have in my script to do something like this?
One thing I did was to take down our Exchange server and make a ghost image of the entire drive. This way if we do suffer a crash I put a ghosted hard drive into antoher PC with the exact hardware and we are back in business.
Depending on what virus attacked your system it could still be on a machine or some of the newer viruses do spoof domain names so it may not be coming from the company in question. As far as a spam filter I been using GFI software and have had great success in reducing the amount of spam that...
Thanks for your reply I had a my secondary drive crash and then through some reading and luck found out that the pagefile.sys was located on the secondary drive. (A neat trick that the OS takes upon itself to do with asking). I ended up ghosting the IDE0 to a new drive putting both of those...
I have a Win 2k Server that had two drives IDE0 and IDE1. IDE1 went corrupt I now need to start up with just one hard drive. When the system comes up it allows me to login to the system and then comes up with Virtual memory space errors and sends me back to the login prompt. Immediate help is...
One thing you may want to do is remove the hard drive that you want to clone and master slave it to another IDE drive. I have run into issues with NT Server using NTFS and ended up having to boot off of a CD with ghost then ghosting the drive that way.
Go into Exchange System Manager and select Global Settings. Next right click on message delivery and select properties. The filter tab should be the third tab shown. You can then add domain names (i.e. This will do a whole site filter so you may want to be careful of the...
AOL doesn't allow any change to it's email software, it strictly built just to send and recieve from the AOL servers. However, if they want the customer can use AOL to connect to the internet then use another mail package ie outlook express to get the mail from the other server. One other...
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