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Search results for query: *

  1. Soladm

    Changing root password: permission denied

    I found that the passwd -r files command worked to change the password. After more digging and a second and third look at the nsswitch.conf file, I found that towards the bottom of the file there were a couple of entries that had nis first instead of files. After changing these entries all was...
  2. Soladm

    Changing root password: permission denied

    I am unable to change the root password after logging in to the system using the passwd command. When attempting to change the password using the command: # passwd root I get a permission denied error. Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!! Have a Great Day!! :-) ~Sol Sys...
  3. Soladm

    nfs mount large files on Solaris 8

    bjensen210, The default NFS mount in Solaris 8 does support largefiles. You may want to verify that there are no options designateing "nolargefiles". Maybe it is shared out with the "nolargefiles" option. HTH. Have a Great Day!! :-) ~Sol Sys Admin
  4. Soladm

    chown question

    paladin256, The command I gave before set the user and group ownership of the file (I assumed john.doe belongs to a group and that you would want everything in the home directory owned by the proper user and group). If you do not want to do the group at the same time try the following: #...
  5. Soladm

    session manager screen lock

    I have killed screen locks in 2.6 (I'm trying to remember what the process was, dtlock maybe, I can't remember specifically. Will re-post if I remember exactly.), but have not found a way in 2.7 or 2.8 yet.... Have a Great Day!! :-) ~Sol Sys Admin
  6. Soladm

    chown question

    paladin256, Try the following: # chown -R john\.doe <path to home directory> you must use the &quot;\&quot; character in order to search for unix defined characters such as . ? $ etc... If you do not do this the system will look for user john in group doe, and as the error is telling you...
  7. Soladm

    Adding hostnames

    julianbarnett, FYI... the 'r' commands do use an authentication, but it is behind the scenes within a nis domain. If a nis domain is not set up, or you are using the 'r' command to connect to a machine outside the nis domain, then you will be asked to authenticate. The other option is to...
  8. Soladm

    Starting X-Server under Solaris 8

    efb729, Try the following: # /usr/dt/bin/dtlogin -e (this enables the CDE desktop) # reboot (when it boots up you may need to wait a minute or two before the GUI starts. Be patient and do not hit enter or it will take you to a command line login screen.) Good Luck! Have a Great Day...
  9. Soladm

    Need to figure out how to get past the log In

    Rexsheldon, You can use the 'stop' key in conjunction with 'a' to bring the machine to the openboot ('ok') prompt, then insert the install cd. Type &quot;boot cdrom&quot; at the prompt... go through the install until it gets to a point where one of the buttons is 'exit'. Select 'exit'. In...
  10. Soladm

    Copying File Permissions in Bourne

    Arluin, I would think doing the &quot;cat /dev/null > <new_log>&quot; would change the modified time, but if it does not, you might use the following... NEW_DATE=`date +%m%d%H%M%y` cp -p <old_log> <new_log> cat /dev/null > <new_log> touch -m $NEW_DATE <new_log> Good Luck. Have a Great...
  11. Soladm

    Hi, I'm trying to set my DISPLAY

    Wok, Just in case you use csh (or tcsh) you set your display like so: setenv DISPLAY 203.18.xxx.xxx:0.0 Have a Great Day!! :-) ~Sol Sys Admin
  12. Soladm

    Removed my path_to_inst - ekkkk!

    Something to try (not sure if it will find the cdrom)... Boot from cdrom (boot -cdrom) and when you get to a window taht has the exit option, exit the install. In the console window create a directory called a (mkdir a) then mount root onto a (mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 a). Change directory to...
  13. Soladm

    script to rlogin (rsh) to host of unix servers to find/remove files

    Oops, almost forgot... be sure to use the proper rsh... you want remote shell NOT restricted shell. I believe remote shell is /usr/bin/rsh and restricted shell is /usr/lib/rsh... Be sure to check this. Have a Great Day!! :-) ~Sol Sys Admin
  14. Soladm

    script to rlogin (rsh) to host of unix servers to find/remove files

    Very quick here... #! /bin/sh for host in `cat <name of file with list of hosts>` do rsh host find /var/tmp -ctime 7 -exec rm -r {} \; done Check the man page for the find command. I cannot remember if this is the exact option and syntax or not, but should be close. The ctime stands for...
  15. Soladm

    Script to test access violations

    Just wanted to correct myself. The previous post has an incorrect path for the authlog... instead of /var/acct/authlog it should read /var/log/authlog. Sorry for the mix-up. Have a Happy New Year!!!! Have a Great Day!! :-) ~Sol Sys Admin
  16. Soladm

    Script to test access violations

    For logins - You can also check the /var/acct/authlog and /var/adm/messages for login attempts (take a look at the /etc/default/logins file as well to make sure logging is set up). For empty passwords try using the /etc/pwck (I believe this is right... I know it's /etc/pw** ) or logins -p...
  17. Soladm

    LOGNAME not changing when I su -

    bi, Here is your problem. export LOGNAME=`/usr/bin/logname` LOGNAME is an environment variable and is automatically set at login or when you use su. Do NOT reset using the logname command. You get different results from each. Simply use the lines you used to set HOST and PS1 without...
  18. Soladm

    LOGNAME not changing when I su -

    bi, Let me correct myself... LOGNAME should contain the current user, logname returns original login username. I stated it backwards. Anyway, below is the line I use for my PS1 variable. If the new user uses a different shell, the prompt will not be the same though...
  19. Soladm

    LOGNAME not changing when I su -

    bi, The LOGNAME variable will not change, but if you use the logname command it will return the username you su'd to. To set PS1, try using `logname` instead of $LOGNAME. That's worked for me in similar situations. Good Luck. Have a Great Day!! :-) ~Sol Sys Admin
  20. Soladm


    Micha, There is a product out there called LSF (Load Sharing Facility) by Platform that would help you. http://www.platform.com/products/index.asp Good Luck and Happy Thanksgiving (Miguk Chusok)!! Have a Great Day!! :-) ~Sol Sys Admin

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