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Search results for query: *

  1. AndyPeck

    MSA1000 & Server Failover

    Sevi I don’t think you have do to doing anything else with Secure Path to make it function, assuming it’s not working when you tested it I would look at using MPIO rather that Secure Path, as I believe HP are no longer selling SP and you can download the MPIO drivers from HP for free and very...
  2. AndyPeck

    SSL for OWA

    How to redirect an HTTP connection to HTTPS for Outlook Web Access clients http://support.microsoft.com/kb/839357/en-us
  3. AndyPeck

    Active\Active Cluster set up Win2K3/Sql2000

    Patrick I've done this a few times, build the cluster in the normal fashion and configure MSTDC, I normal leave this in the default cluster group rather than create a new group, saves one IP address. Install SQL via and create a virtual server, (remember to put the media somewhere that can be...
  4. AndyPeck

    Sending to Yahoo Through Exchange 2003 and Isa 2004

    Well you've got me stumped. you need a rule out for SMTP and publish the SMTP server for inbound, and that's it (IMHO), which you have.. The only thing I can think of (at a stretch) is to veify that the A record for you SMTP server is correct... some systems also use sender ID/SPF to verify...
  5. AndyPeck

    Sending to Yahoo Through Exchange 2003 and Isa 2004

    Ryan Rereading your original text you say "pop 3, rdp and allowed dns in." Q1. Does this mean you host your own MX records rather than some ISP doing it for you. Q2. Are you saying that DNS is allow in or POp3,rdp and pop3 allow in Q3 Have you created SMTP published rule for your email...
  6. AndyPeck

    Sending to Yahoo Through Exchange 2003 and Isa 2004

    Ryan Assuming it's only yahoo mail that's being blocked/dropped, I doubt ISA is at fault. Checked the SMTP logs on the exchange server or the apps logs. Also SMTPDiag.exe from MS is a excellent tool for troubleshooting this type of problem...
  7. AndyPeck

    scipts or CLI for Cluster 2003

    Oh Yes.... Cluster.exe is what your looking for to start with ---QUOTE--- Cluster commands overview You can use cluster commands to create or administer server clusters from the command prompt. You can also call the program Cluster.exe from command scripts to automate many cluster...
  8. AndyPeck

    OpenBSD x ISA 2004

    Check you have allowed ICMP on the ISa server http://support.microsoft.com/kb/838251/en-us If you still getting no joy, stop the firewall service on the ISA, then retry you tests.. if they work.. your ISA firewalling is the issue. and it time to start lokking at the monitoring for what get...
  9. AndyPeck

    OWA not working

    Paul Take a look at this... it would appear you're not the first person to suffer from OWA problems <wink> Fixing a Damaged or Incorrectly Configured OWA 2003 Installation http://www.msexchange.org/tutorials/Fixing-Damaged-Incorrectly-Configured-OWA-2003-Installation.html
  10. AndyPeck

    ISA server IP configuration?

    Gustaf Ensure your internal servers point to the internal interface of the ISA for the default gateway (assuming you have no other device between them) Ensure you ISA server's default gateway is on the external interface. You'll need an access rule for DNS from Internal to external (but I...
  11. AndyPeck

    Cannot access Internal website - 502 Proxy error

    Check the Network - Internal, and look at the domain tab. verify that you have *.mylocaldomain.com in there. Hope this helps Andy
  12. AndyPeck

    wpad and GPO force auto detection

    Not sure I follow, DHCP is not a user permisson based services. why would your users have to locals admin to get an IP address from the DHCP server ??? Andy
  13. AndyPeck

    I'm puzzled...

    Configure the local clients as use the isa server as the web proxy, use GP's to set it stone and this will remove the option for them to use their favorite internet proxy Andy
  14. AndyPeck

    wpad and GPO force auto detection

    I would also set up DHCP to provide WPAD, I can't remember the article number but if you search on WPAD 252 you should find it. Seen it here to http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/isa/2004/plan/automaticdiscovery.mspx hope this helps Andy
  15. AndyPeck

    How do you allow traffic from a VPN terminated on a PIX through ISA?

    Just for a check, stop the ISA services and then do your ping test... if it works then. your routing table is correct and your isa conf is at fault... still no joy and your routing needs more work :-) Andy
  16. AndyPeck

    How do you allow traffic from a VPN terminated on a PIX through ISA?

    I think this is a route issue, check the route table on the isa is configured with all you networks, DMZ, Internal, VPN pool, perimeter network between ISA and pix. Check the pix also knows now to route to these networks. I had a simliar error with a set of backend Nokia's and I was missing the...
  17. AndyPeck

    Hardware Recommendation...?

    I think you'll get many answers on this, So here mine DL380 is a good start. A pair of 72GB's for OS/APPS, A pair of 72GB's for logs. Then look at the MSA30 if the MSA1000 is out of reach. The MSa30 will give you another 14 disk bays, then you can work out how much space you need, If you give...
  18. AndyPeck

    How do you allow traffic from a VPN terminated on a PIX through ISA?

    I would create a subnet or network range for the DHCP VPN IP's on the ISA. Then create and access rule, from mydhcprange to internal networks on these ports. Use the monitoring tab to see whats being dropped and why Andy
  19. AndyPeck

    Allow all ports for external IP Address

    You need to impress upon your client the need to define the port required. No application needs everything open, not even good old Microsoft NetBIOS. If the guy doesn’t know, work with him to find out what needs… Sorry to sound a like a guide to Firewall 101, but he’ll thank you when the next...
  20. AndyPeck

    OWA asks for domain name aswell, but why?

    Check this site out, there is plenty of real world "how to setup OWA" and your default domain issue is dicussed. http://www.msexchange.org/ http://www.msexchange.org/tutorials/OWA2003Forms-based-Authentication-default-domain.html hope this helps Andy

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