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Sending to Yahoo Through Exchange 2003 and Isa 2004

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Jun 27, 2001
For some reason, I can't send to yahoo mail from my exchange through Isa. I have opened up smtp, smtp server, smtps, smpts server, pop 3, rdp and allowed dns in. I've checked the logs and when I send to yahoo, yahoo always tries to come back in on random ports with "unidentified ip Traffic" to the local host. As a test, I allowed all out to see if it would go and sure enough it did. I guess it's a 2 part question:

1. What is unidnentified Ip Traffic?
2. What else could I possibly need to open for this to go?

Disregard the RDP, I meant RPC..


Assuming it's only yahoo mail that's being blocked/dropped, I doubt ISA is at fault.
Checked the SMTP logs on the exchange server or the apps logs.

Also SMTPDiag.exe from MS is a excellent tool for troubleshooting this type of problem

Sorry this doesn't answer your questions directly, but if email is working for other domains I sure ISA is OK

Actually it happens with a lot of mail domains when I remove the allow all out rule. They all come back on random ports with Unidentified Ip Traffic. I'm pretty sure ISA is at fault here, otherwise, it would not work when I put the allow all out filter on.

What else could I possible have to allow out or in for this not to happen other than what I have allowed out?

Rereading your original text you say "pop 3, rdp and allowed dns in."

Q1. Does this mean you host your own MX records rather than some ISP doing it for you.

Q2. Are you saying that DNS is allow in or POp3,rdp and pop3 allow in

Q3 Have you created SMTP published rule for your email server

q1. Sorry for the mistake, but no I don't host my own and dns in is useless in this scenerio
q2. Dns is allowed in, pop 3 is allowed out, rdp is not an issue here, rather, rpc
q3. Yes and all works fine

Well you've got me stumped.

you need a rule out for SMTP and publish the SMTP server for inbound, and that's it (IMHO), which you have..

The only thing I can think of (at a stretch) is to veify that the A record for you SMTP server is correct... some systems also use sender ID/SPF to verify the sending domain is real... but if it all works when you open up ISA that's probably nothing to do with it.

Sounds like to time to pick up the phone and call MS PSS, if no one else has anything to add

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