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  • Users: mrdev
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  1. mrdev

    String value

    if I have a string and a TTreeNode that has the value TreeView.Items[0]. How do I make the string have the value of the TTreeNode. I tried: Node := MyNode; where Node is a string and MyNode is a TTreeNode that has the value of TreeView.Item[0]. But this doesn't work. Anybody??
  2. mrdev

    Treeview Help

    Hello, I'm very very new with Delphi and I need to make a program with it for School in a few days time. I can need your help! My problem is, I've got the following file of Delphi (I'm using Delphi 3.0): unit xmlproject; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics...
  3. mrdev

    Using A Batch File To Change Txt In Notepad

    Hi there, Same design, different content?? Mayby you should get into XML. Only too bad that only IE5.5+ supports it. Mr. Dev
  4. mrdev

    Homepage Content

    Hello everybody, I don't know if I'm in the right forum, but I'm going to ask it here anyway. I make homepages for a couple of years now. My sites are greater every time a build a new one. Right now I'm busy with XML/PHP/Java site. Technically all great. But what I'm asking myself for five...
  5. mrdev


    Hi there, I have a couple of questions: 1.) Wat is the difference between <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=&quot;http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl&quot;> and <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=&quot;http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform&quot;> What do they do? 2.) I have the following files: sheet.xsl <?xml...
  6. mrdev

    background image not replicated

    Hi, I'm not really sure where you are going to, mayby you should give more details. But if you want to display you're image as an image you use: <img src=&quot;picture.gif&quot; height=&quot;400&quot; width=&quot;400&quot;> So, <Mr. Developer/>
  7. mrdev

    Layers - advice

    Hi there, The reason if you use layers or not, depends on the use of your website. If you want to make a drop-down-menu with layers, it is a good reason. But if you want to use layers for making a kind of slideshow with 50 pages, you'd be better of with a database. So my answer is, it depends...
  8. mrdev

    Popup in back?

    Well I think it 'has to do something with Windows and not you're browser, but that isn't the reason why I'm replkying. My question is: Mike, why do you want to do that? That's what I like to know... <Mr. Developer/>
  9. mrdev

    Change your scrollbar!!!

    Hello, But as far as I know, you can use it anyway. Because browser that doesn't support it, won't see it. Well that will not make a change. And browsers that do support it, will look better. So why shouldn't you use it??? <Mr. Developer/>
  10. mrdev

    sorry had to post it

    I tought MS had already VBScript?? Isn't that enough money making?? <Mr. Developer/>
  11. mrdev

    Change your scrollbar!!!

    Well, mayby you're right and mayby that will be the reason why you don't see this much!!
  12. mrdev

    Install CF

    hello, Well I already know PHP, but you have to keep learning, isn't it? I try to expand my knowledge about programming as far as possible. But what you are trying to say is that CF is for newbies who only know HTML and that PHP is for rookies like me. Well you're right. But that wasn't really...
  13. mrdev

    XML page displays raw code in browser

    Hi there, Raw code huh? I know what you mean. XML will not be display like that. You have to parse that with a parser blahblahblah etc. What you need to do is make a sheet. You can choose CSS or XSL. You're lucky because IE5 supports XSL. If you're doing well you have: <?xml...
  14. mrdev

    How Do I Detect Multiple Browsers?

    Hello, I think you need this (The text below within the parentheses should be all on one line.): <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;javascript&quot;> var an = navigator.appName; var av = navigator.appVersion; var acn = navigator.appCodeName; var ua = navigator.userAgent; document.write(&quot;You are using...
  15. mrdev

    Install CF

    Hi there, I know it's a simple question, but I still don't get everything. Do I really need to install CF stuff or can I make it without it, just like PHP3?? And if I can without it, how do I do that. Is there any tutorial for. Because all the tutorial has to do with the CF stuff. And if I do...
  16. mrdev

    Change your scrollbar!!!

    Hi everybody!! I'm a developer for a few years now and I know something what you probably do not know. Well, it is not in use that very much. I'm talking about scrollbars. You can change them. I have only seen this once on a website. You can integrate this good with the design of your site. For...
  17. mrdev

    DNS for servers

    Hello, I'm a webdeveloper with lots ofknowledge in my bag. But I didn't knew ColdFusion, so I started with it. I already now how it works. But I have one problem. I can easily write my files, but where do I store them on the web?? I need a free server where I can have an DSN. Well, that's what...
  18. mrdev

    SMS page

    So, what you are NOT saying is that I go to a sms site (like MTNSMS, MSN Mobile or Lycos etc.) check how they send sms en send it the same way, on my own site, but without advertising, for free! Well if that's what you mean, I follow you're advice and will NOT do it!! ;-) Thanks I will NOT try...
  19. mrdev

    SMS page

    Hello, well that is what I meant. Because I can't use a phone on my computer I have to use a third party. But where can I find a third party?? It has to be: * Free, I don't want to pay for it * It has a possibilty to send it from a homepage, I want my visiters to sms from my page * It has no...
  20. mrdev

    SMS page

    Hello, This has not really to do with HTML, but I couldn't thought of a better forum then HTML. If I'm wrong, I don't blame you telling me. My question is: How can I send a &quot;blank&quot; SMS to a phone from my website. Without commerce in the message. You know what I mean? And I can't have...

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