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Search results for query: *

  1. Reebo99

    Encrypting Values (passwords etc)

    Use: Replace(Space(Len("caf012i")),' ','*') replacing the item in bold with your real field. Reebo
  2. Reebo99

    [b]Can't get Parent + Child Parameters to work Side by Side[/b]

    You haven't supplied your current selection formauls. ok, you need to create a default parameter value, something like *. Then place in your records selection formula : (If {?RegionParam} <> "*" then {Region} = {?RegionParam} else true) and (If {?OfficeParam} <> "*" then {Office} =...
  3. Reebo99

    Array Parameter

    You need to use : (ToText({Table.Region},0,"") = {?pRegion}) AND (Totext({EMeterInsp.ContribDist},0,"") = {?pDistrict} When you convert a number to text by using ToText(1) the default result is 1.00 By using ToText(1,0) this will produce the rsult to 1 decimal place, i.e. 1 The "" removes...
  4. Reebo99

    Text formula

    Both the solutions above assume that there is only one comma in the company name. If, for instance, you also have company names along the lines of "Smith, Brown and Carpenter Laundry, The" then these will not work. Use: Local StringVar Input := "mega warehouse, the"; If UCase(Right(Input,5)) =...
  5. Reebo99

    Creating Array

    There are lots of problems with the above formulas. I would suggest that you explain what you are trying to do rather than what has not worked. Refer to faq149-3762 for raising a question. I'll try to explain what the error messages are referring to. // This checks out ok until the program...
  6. Reebo99

    Adding Values together from same field

    This should help, change the item in bold with your field : Local StringVar Input := "245.67,128.90,126.54,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" ; Local NumberVar Counter := 0; Local NumberVar Output := 0; Local StringVar Array Values := Split(Input,","); While Counter <> UBound(Values) Do (Counter :=...
  7. Reebo99

    Dates stored as numbers not displaying correcly

    Take a look at this link for an explanation of using Date and Time fields with the Topspeed ODBC driver : http://www.softvelocity.com/faq/Database_Drivers/106-TSODBCDates&Times.htm Reebo
  8. Reebo99

    difference between two dates in Weeks and Days please ?

    TaTips, In future, you need to specify your requirements a bit more clearly. You want the difference between 2 dates, Not including the 2 dates specified, is this correct? If so, use: Local NumberVar NumofDays := DateDiff("d",Date(2004,06,04),Date(2004,07,01))-1...
  9. Reebo99

    difference between two dates in Weeks and Days please ?

    Try this, replace the items in bold with your real dates.... Local NumberVar NumofDays := DateDiff("d",Date(2004,01,01),Date(2004,01,22))+1; ToText(NumofDays/7,0)&" week(s) "&ToText(NumofDays-(Int(NumofDays/7)*7),0)&" day(s)" Reebo
  10. Reebo99

    &quot;Insert Section Below&quot;

    It also goes way past zz, on to aba, abb, abc, abd etc. etc. Reebo
  11. Reebo99

    Day function in cross tab

    If you use : ToText(CurrentDateTime,"dddd HH:00") This will give you Wednesday 09:00, for any datetime on Wednesday from 09:00 to 09:59. You can replace currentdatetime with your datetime field. Reebo
  12. Reebo99

    Formula Help - Make more elegant please - Variables?

    You could use : Local NumberVar Array PaidMonth := MakeArray({PAIDMONTH},{PAIDMONTH_2},{PAIDMONTH_3},{PAIDMONTH_4},{PAIDMONTH_5},{PAIDMONTH_6},{PAIDMONTH_7},{PAIDMONTH_8},{PAIDMONTH_9},{PAIDMONTH_10},{PAIDMONTH_11},{PAIDMONTH_12}); Local NumberVar tmpMonth := Month(minimum(LastFullMonth))...
  13. Reebo99

    Day function in cross tab

    WeekdayName(DayOfWeek({dateField})) Replace the item in bold with your date field... Reebo
  14. Reebo99

    Multiple Columns on Group

    Goto Report, Section Expert, Click on Details, Check 'Format With Multiple Columns', Click on 'Layout' Tab, Key in a Width (for a test just put in 9 for now), Check 'Format Groups with multiple column', Click on OK. You should find this looks perfect [smile] Hope this helps... Reebo
  15. Reebo99

    Parsing text into discreet elements in Crystal 9.0

    Or you could also use : Local StringVar String := {MyTable.MyField}; Local StringVar Result := ""; Local NumberVar Counter = 0; String := Replace(String,"`",""); While Counter <> Len(String) Do ( Counter := Counter +1; If Mid(String,Counter,1) in ["[","<","("] then (Counter := Counter + 2...
  16. Reebo99

    Parsing text into discreet elements in Crystal 9.0

    Use this formula, replace the item in bold with your real field : Local StringVar String := {MyTable.MyField}; Local StringVar Result := ""; Local NumberVar Counter = 0; If Instr(String,"[") <> 0 or Instr(String,"]") <> 0 then (While Instr(String,"]") <> 0 Do (String := If Instr(String,"[") =...
  17. Reebo99

    DateTime parameters from VB .NET

    Whoops! DateTime(YYYY,MM,DD,hh,mm,ss) Reebo
  18. Reebo99

    DateTime parameters from VB .NET

    What value are you passing accross? in what format? Crystal likes Date/Times in Date(YYYY,MM,DD,hh,mm,ss) format. Reebo
  19. Reebo99

    &quot;Packed&quot; field

    If it's just for display, then you can use : Local StringVar String := [b]"6231883.48;5619475.63;6163582.29;5774570.44;4234819.62;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0"[b]; Local StringVar Array Values := Split(String,";"); Local StringVar Result := ""; Local NumberVar Counter := 0; While Counter <> UBound(Values)...

Part and Inventory Search
