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  1. jonscott8

    Can't merge access field, which is OLE containing bitmap into Word doc

    "F:\\Catalog\\Item_Pictures\\091112.jpg" - assume that's a typo in your post? It will be useful to others if you post what version of word, what database is the backend and version. Also, include your INCLUDEPICTURE field definition. The KB article above uses a JPG image, so one would presume...
  2. jonscott8

    Can't merge access field, which is OLE containing bitmap into Word doc

    http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;114306 Jon Hawkins
  3. jonscott8

    Launching Terminal Services from IE

    We actually only utilize Citrix ICA onsite, but here's what I what I recall about MSTSC. As you've realized, this is no issue with RDP5.1 because you can use command line parameters or a connection file. However, RDP5 only has 1 command line parameter, the name of a connection as defined in...
  4. jonscott8

    vbscript for opening powerpoint templates from internet explorer

    Powerpoint has an explicit method called ApplyTemplate you need to use. pwrptApp.Presentations.add True 'fyi, there is no name parameter for this method pwrptApp.ActivePresentation.ApplyTemplate name See also: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/off2000/html/ppmthapplytemplate.asp...
  5. jonscott8

    txt file on network drive

    First, the FSO makes no differentiation if the drive is local or network (mapped drive or unc). The fact that you state it works for a local path, but not a mapped drive or UNC path, screams permission-issue, as FengShui1998 eluded. Check both share permissions and file permissions(ntfs)...
  6. jonscott8

    Oracle threads not apparent in OAA for NT

    Running Oracle 8.1.7 on Win2k SP3. When using Oracle Admin. Assist. for Win NT, after selecting the Process Information option for the database in question, no threads are listed, nor do any threads ever become apparent and we have several concurrent users accessing this database. I can also...
  7. jonscott8

    Learn something new everyday...

    Actually, that tip has been mentioned here times before, including thread184-42545 thread184-34051 But as you elude, it is a gem that often goes unmined. IIRC, it was available in VFP3. You may also be interested in http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q190878.asp Jon Hawkins
  8. jonscott8

    Exporting Custom Outlook Fields to Access Database

    User-defined fields are accessed thru the UserProperties collection. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/vbaol10/html/olobjUserProperties.asp Jon Hawkins
  9. jonscott8

    Integrated authentication and setinfo to AD

    http://www.serverwatch.com/tutorials/article.php/1499741 You'll want the "Accessing Active Directory via Active Server Pages" series, specifically your interest will start with Part 2. Jon Hawkins
  10. jonscott8

    record macros for windows (for ANY program)

    The Kodak/Wang imaging controls that come with Windows can convert image formats. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/3rdparty/html/hidh_method_saveas.asp A few others I've used and could/would recommend: http://www.data-tech.com/Products/ImageMan/Imaging.asp http://www.informatik.com/ Jon...
  11. jonscott8

    Integrated authentication and setinfo to AD

    You'll need to set the user accounts to be trusted for delegation as well. I'm also assuming your AD runs in native, not mixed mode. I've got an article that thoroughly discusses your obstacles, if I can dig up, I'll post. Jon Hawkins
  12. jonscott8

    Set file Permissions

    For future reference, either use 1) command line access to xcacls. 2) ADSSecurity.DLL 3) WMI Example of the former two can be found thread329-80789 Example with WMI http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/wmisdk/wmi/setsecuritydescriptor_method_in_class_win32_logicalfilesecuritysetting.asp...
  13. jonscott8

    CreateObject("CDOEXM.IMailboxStore") Error

    IIRC, The IMailBoxStore class is not creatable, follow this example. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/wss/wss/_cdo_creating_a_mailbox_enabled_recipient.asp Jon Hawkins
  14. jonscott8

    Executing a VBS Script from Access 2000

    Access uses VBA, use the Shell command. Jon Hawkins
  15. jonscott8

    How to create a share folder using VBS?

    Use the Create method of the WMI Win32_Share class, or use the Create method of the ADSI IADsFileService class. Jon Hawkins
  16. jonscott8

    VBScript & Access procedures

    Review the documentation on the Run method. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/vbaac10/html/acmthrun.asp .Run "webGotoItem","ItemOne" Jon Hawkins
  17. jonscott8

    Users and permissions For Access

    Use DAO, ADOX, or DDL. All of which are represented in http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/dndao/html/daotoadoupdate_topic7.asp Jon Hawkins
  18. jonscott8

    How to Statically assign preferred Dns Address

    strDNSServers=Array("","") objNetAdapter.SetDNSServerSearchOrder(strDNSServers) Jon Hawkins
  19. jonscott8

    Unregister dll?

    This would probably be better served in the DCOM/COM forum, forum195. Regsvr32 has a /U switch that will unregister the dll. Run Regsvr32.exe at the command line with no additional parameters and it's usage will be displayed, or visit...
  20. jonscott8

    Automate Screen Lock

    Set oShell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell") oShell.Run "rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation" Rundll32.exe and user32.dll must be in the windows path and LockWorkStation must appear exactly as shown. This will only work with 2k & later. You really don't need VBS, just...

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