Windows allocates a percent of each drive for the Recycle Bin and not a mximum size as you are looking for.
That percent is set by right-clicking on Recycle Bin, choosing Properties, setting the percentage, and clicking on OK.
It is possible to do that programatically.
I think the line
DR["BookMarkText"] = string.Join("\r\n", (string[]) Text.ToArray(typeof(string)));
is Okay.
Questions to see in order:
What is the field type in database for BookMarkText ?
If it is varchar or nvarchar then maybe the field is not updated because of truncation.
2) What is...
I understand that you have a service (windows) to do this task e.g. kill a given task at a given time.
There are many solutions:
1)add a time scheduler and use it in the service
2)-use Task Scheduler to run at certain time a .bat file in which you only say
echo "" >file.ctl
You CAN detect the lenght of the columns if and only if you send a query like this one:
select c.length, from sysobjects o, syscolumns c where and ='your table name' ;
Iterate through this set using the and find out the lenght but be aware about non-text fields...
Okay, that is possible.
-Add that .icon file in the Application Folder
-Create the shortcut (User Desktop or User Program Menu)
-Make sure AlwaysCreate property is set to TRUE
-Go to Properties window of that shortcut
-Set the Icon property browsing the Application Folder and select the .icon...
If you just want to display a text (passed as param in the Log() ) in that form then try to pass it in the ctor of the form and in the Load event assign it to the text box. You should have not any problem due to the thread.
If you want to update the Text box in that form during the running then...
Take a look to PermissionSetAttribute class at the Assembly level. You can use it combined with security code access set in the machine.config.
...namespace Test
class Program
public bool IsNumeric_Regex(object num)
Regex r = new Regex(@"(^[-+]?\d+(,?\d*)*\.?\d*([Ee][-+]\d*)?$)|(^[-+]?\d?(,?\d*)*\.\d+([Ee][-+]\d*)?$)");
return r.Match(num.ToString()).Success;
The Gorkem way using events is working.
If you want another robust solution,use BackgroundWorker class that has all events you need to upsate the progress bar. See ProgessChamged event.
You also find examples on MSDN.
Creating a class is common but you also can return as many objects you want using ref or out.
void returnTwoObjects(point a, ref point b, ref int myInt)
myInt =...;
How to call the function ?
point a=...;
point onePoint=...;
int oneInt =0;
System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo should returns what is said.
string fn="C:\\Windows\\System32\\comctl32.dll";
string fileVersion=FileVersionInfo myFileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(fn);
will return fileVersion = "5.82 (xpsp.060825-0040)";
The file name...
Take a look of this code that is doing the job without openning the browser:^
public void GetStock(string strURL, stockName)
WebRequest req = null;
WebResponse rsp = null;
StreamReader readStream = null;
string strRec=""...
In order your program to write on another machine you have to go in the .NET cOnfiguration and trust that directory e.g. \\server name\drive\drictory.
You can do it manually, executing the caspol.exe utility or in the installer when you install the assembly.
To read the content of an Excel file you no need to instantiate the Excel application. You can use OleDb* like you do with any database to load the content of the Excel into a DataSet.
The Reference.cs file should be under the Web References folder in your project.
Select that folder and click on the button Show all Folders which you find it in the Explorer window.
You should see also the file as well .disco and .wsdl files.
Example if the folder is Contact then you have ContactItem as items.
ContactItem myContact;
string company = myContact.ItemProperties["CompanyName"].Value
string mailaddress=myContact.ItemProperties["MailingAddressStreet"].Value
and so on.
You can add new propoerties to an Item, example...
You know that Microsoft has everything in registry.
All TimeZones are under:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\
It is easy to extract from there!
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