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Search results for query: *

  1. calahans

    c# and log4net

    Are people using this? I have installed the sample and when I run it I always get: log4net:ERROR No appender named [A1] could be found. log4net: Appender named [A1] not found. log4net:ERROR No appenders could be found for category (testApp.LoggingExample) log4net:ERROR Please initialize the...
  2. calahans

    Redirecting to another web server

    Hi, Just to let you know that I fixed this myself using the ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse commands.. Thanks anyway Cal
  3. calahans

    Redirecting to another web server

    Hi, I have tomcat and IIS running on a machine. I want to use Apache to sit in front of these and redirect the requests to the apache site based on the web app. Something like: ProxyRemote xxxx:80/app1/ xxxx:8080/app1 ProxyRemote xxxx:80/app2/ xxxx:900/app2 As you can see I have played with...
  4. calahans

    What data type?

    Hi Guys, I want to store a string of, lets say, no more than 10,000 chars. Is there a data type, like TEXT, that can accomondate this? Thanks Cal Cal
  5. calahans

    Validation - where should it occur

    I have an application object which takes data from the front end. It validates most fields. This is all fine. Now say that this object uses another utility object to, say, write a datastream to a socket. The utility class takes in certain data from the front end which has been validated...
  6. calahans


    You should not be doing this, generally. That looks like procedural code to me. use: try{ }catch(Exception e) { ... logging etc ... throw new AppException (); //User defined exception //Should not swallow exceptions } // success code You can have code after try catch block. Will...
  7. calahans

    Mapping multiple objects to a jsp

    I want to map multiply javabeans to a simgle jsp page. Can I use the <jsp:setProperty name=&quot;firstObject&quot; property=&quot;*&quot;/> <jsp:setProperty name=&quot;otherObject&quot; property=&quot;*&quot;/> format to set all the properties, where the firstObject and otherObject are my...
  8. calahans

    Simple Front End Question

    Dont program HTML stuff much! I want my bean to have int and string properties. If I use the .... <jsp:setProperty name=&quot;formHandler&quot; property=&quot;*&quot;/> To set all my properties will it set the int's as well or does it try to set all as a string? Told you it was easy! Many...
  9. calahans

    Validation and page back

    Hi, I have a jsp with a form. When the users has filled in his detail I want the jsp to forward to a servlet. I want the servlet to validate the data and to return back to the jsp if there is info missing BUT I WANT ALL THE VALUES STILL IN THE BOXES i.e. I dont the user to have to fill...
  10. calahans

    Creating A Table

    Something like: This is not exact SQL but it should work in the main (you need to read in the count into some variable etc) select count(*) from systables where table_name = xxxx if count(*)>0 return else CREATE TABLE XXXXXX AS SELECT * FROM YYYYYYY [WHERE SOMECOLUMN = SOMEVALUE] Cal
  11. calahans

    How to increase Performance of SQL Procedure?

    I would think that the stored procedure is creating loads of temporary tables or something. Also to note: THE MAJORITY OF PERFORMANCE ISSUES ARE THE CODE THAT ACCESSES THE DATABASE, NOT THE CONFIGURATION ITSELF. Post you stored procedure if possible. Cal
  12. calahans

    Index Design and Usage

    Few broad guidelines... Place a clustered index on fields used in GROUP BY clauses. PLace unique indexes on fields usef in WHERE clauses. Try not to have > 6 indexes on table (unless neccissary). Use SQL Profiler to suggest indexes. Cal
  13. calahans

    Stored proc slower than query?

    Could you placew the sp here? Cal
  14. calahans

    Oracle utilities for monitoring 'deadlocks'

    Is there any way you could put that document in the FAQ section? Cal Remeber: What the large print givith, the small print taketh away...
  15. calahans

    Threading issues on a Linux Server

    What kind of threading problems - can linux not fork another process? Or are you having problems with resource management with the threads? Cal Remeber: What the large print givith, the small print taketh away...
  16. calahans

    Slow performance issues for newly converted SQL Server Database

    Are the web server, application and datbase on different boxes? If so you would need to be very careful with the cursor type you select. If you have a server side cursor then you will make trip over the distributed environment for each row. Cal Remeber: What the large print givith, the small...
  17. calahans

    Help with update question

    update originaltable set originaltable.col1 = newtable.col1 from newtable where originaltable.id=newtable.id and originaltable.col1 is null Cal Remeber: What the large print givith, the small print taketh away...
  18. calahans

    Eliminate cluster index

    I bow to the last two posts! If you have a small number of rows (below a few thousand) don't place an index on it. Cal
  19. calahans

    Eliminate cluster index

    Eliminating a clustered index will decrease performance no matter what you do subsequently Cal
  20. calahans

    Accurate relationship between EJB and CORBA

    Programming CORBA is like buying a car with the engine in all seperate parts, which you must assemble. EJB hides the mechanics from the application developer and lets them get on with coding their application! IMHO Cal

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