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Search results for query: *

  1. lesw1433

    Need to add a field to all tables in database

    Will this work? DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE " & Tabname & " SET " & Tabname & ".DateMY = #" & strdate & "#" Delimit using the # before and after your strdate
  2. lesw1433

    How to uncheck a box within a frame that have several boxes

    Remou, I think you are correct on what the OP was wanting to do. Couldn't you use the mousedown event for each check box to toggle being checked or unchecked? Would still be easier to have a command button, but the OP could build a function to toggle checked or unchecked and call the function...
  3. lesw1433

    Display Database Window doesn't display

    What happens if you select Windows/Cascade when the program is open??
  4. lesw1433

    Date Range help

    Just curious... "I used Look up "between" in criteria under field name DATERECEIVED but I still got nothing" but you used this syntax AND ((dbo_DIARYLOG.DIARYDATE) Between [StartDate] And [EndDate])) Did you mean DIARYDATE or DATERECEIVED?
  5. lesw1433

    Problem with Date PARAMETER

    I think you are correct hneal98 1995 equates to 01/01/1995 1997 equates to 01/01/1997 therefore excludes records after 01/01/97 using the Between I could be wrong, but I think it has to do with the format of the field being in date/time format. If the field was just a number field with...
  6. lesw1433

    Input mask or formating

    Are you asking for an input mask with an underscore between each number?? \$#\_#\_#\_#\_0.\_0\_0
  7. lesw1433

    timestamp in field

    DeMann, Well I guess a work around would be to have the notes control disabled and use a command button to enable the notes control and move the focus to it. That would avoid the issue I guess. Otherwise you would just back space the time stamp out if you entered the control by mistake...
  8. lesw1433

    timestamp in field

    Forgive me for jumping in here...but it sounds like you want to insert a time stamp into the Notes memo field anytime you add additional notes and keep a running time stamp for each note. If that is the case play with adding a time stamp in the Got Focus event of your Notes field: Private Sub...
  9. lesw1433

    Refreshing Recordsource

    Shouldn't you refresh the qrydef before setting the forms recordsource to the qrydef? Just look like it was out of sequence to me.
  10. lesw1433

    myRecordSet.Addnew hangs

    Just another thought, you are opening and closing the recordset within the loop which will also cause some delays. You might also play with the .MoveNext at the end of the loop and close the recordset after the loop is complete.
  11. lesw1433

    myRecordSet.Addnew hangs

    Wouldn't the .MoveLast before the .AddNew solve the problem?? Was just curious.
  12. lesw1433

    How do I send an email through outlook

    Just add False or 0 to your arguments DoCmd.SendObject , , stDocName, myemailfieldname, cc_field, , _ "NCR Issue", "Hi. A number have just been generated.",False, "Clear Day
  13. lesw1433

    Change a subforms AllowAdditions (eg) programmatically

    Try this Forms![formname].[subformname].Form.allowadditions = true
  14. lesw1433

    disable the close button in a window

    This is what I use Place this code in a module not associated with any forms Private Declare Function GetSystemMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal bRevert As Long) As Long Private Declare Function EnableMenuItem Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As _ Long, ByVal wIDEnableItem As...
  15. lesw1433

    How to delay code execution or run it at certain time?

    Why not just place a command button to fill the list boxes when needed???
  16. lesw1433

    Can a Combo Box Stay Expanded

    A combo box can only be expanded when the control has the focus. Me!Combobox.SetFocus Me!Combobox.Dropdown
  17. lesw1433

    subform layout on main form

    You can hide the ruler in design view, but not sure about the scroll bars. To hide the ruler just right click in the detail section of the form and deselect ruler. But you are right, would be kinda nice to move the subform controls etc in design view to match the main form without having to...
  18. lesw1433

    Build Table with Criteria

    Possibly? Set rsGTWYs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset) removing the underscore???
  19. lesw1433

    New version 7.0 of Acrobat acts differently with hyperlinks...

    For what it is worth, I had similar problems and went back to version 6.0 reader several months ago. Since then I install the full version of 7.0 and haven't had any more problems. There might be some update patches required, but I don't know for sure as the full version works okay now. lwells
  20. lesw1433

    VB coding - Why is my keystoke auto backspacing?!!

    Exactly. Close your switchboard form or turn off the timer when in the vbe window lwells

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