I ran into this issue awhile back. I thought I needed an * in the A Name record on the DNS. I was told the A Name record just needed to be blank.
Try adding an empty A Name record to your DNS entry to see if that helps.
My Merchant Account Blog | Toll-Free...
It is really not Authorize.net who frowns on Credit Transactions as much as the merchant account processor. Sometimes doing a high rate of returns could mean a potentially fraudulent business, but as long as your chargebacks remain in check, you should not have a problem with having just one...
Most gateways will offer you a virtual terminal for free. Usually the gateway monthly fes range from $15-$60 a month. Some gateways will charge you nothing for transactions, some will give you a few free, and some will charge you a few cents on each transaction.
Some of the larger gateways in...
This forum has a PHP Zone that you might check out. I host on Windows myself and usually rely on ASP and sometimes .NET for coding.
My Merchant Account Blog | Toll-Free Numbers | Expression Web Blog
No - you would need to use some type of server side language (ASP, .NET, PHP) to create this process.
Merchant Accounts | Toll-Free Numbers | Expression Web Blog
There is no really *NIX format. *NIX is case sensitive, so Background.gif is not the same as background.gif. It is better to probably just stick to lowercase. (Windows is not case sensitive.)
You can have the .html or .htm file extension. Some prefer the .htm from the "old" days, while...
Hence was why I pointed out they were in different folders. I am sorry you did not state you knew they were in different folders before - that is why I pointed it out and hoped you would look further
If the image that is in ss_size1 is in any type of lower case and you are on a *NIX server...
Expression Web can help you along with this. A lot of time it is better to create your own navigation though using lists (and use CSS to help lay them out).
I think though that Expression Web relies on ASP.NET code to help you with the navigation, which you need to have on a Windows platform...
Frontpage will not create compliant code unfortunately. It wil get you close (Expression Web gets you closer). You can have FrontPage Add a DOCTYPE to new pages.
Once you create the page, I would go through, see if there are any blatant errors and fix those. Then run it through that validator...
Creating a Hotspot in Frontpage might help as well as How Coordinates are Chosen in an Image Map. When you mouse over, you can simply use the title attribute <map name="FPMap0" id="FPMap0">
<area href="home.htm" title="Description Here" shape="rect" coords="7, 9, 51, 40" />
Contact your webhosting company.
If you have a control panel for your webhosting provider and they offer a link to repair Frontpage Server Extensions (FPSE), repair FPSE.
Merchant Accounts | Toll-Free Numbers | Expression Web Blog
You might check out Comersus or http://www.candypress.com/
Merchant Accounts | Toll-Free Numbers | Expression Web Blog
When you click on this link - is this link in a browser or in Frontpage? What happens when you activate this link?
http://www.loudcommerce.com/ | http://www.loudvoicesystem.com/
You would probably need some type of server side language (ASP, .NET, PHP) to read from the database that you are storing this information. And you can enter the text - anyone or must they have some type of authority?
http://www.loudcommerce.com/ |...
If you only have a news article posted every so often, why use it unless you are wanting to use it also for the RSS feed?
That would be the only real function and even then you could create your own RSS feed and update that as well.
Yes it does. At one point, Paypal offered an affiliate program - you might see if it still does.
A lot of shopping carts off you the ability to integrate with multiple gateways or IPSPs. Choose almost any shopping cart you will see they are compatible with a lot of the gateways...
Not really because then you would be an IPSP (Internet Payment Service Provider) and that can be very costly to set up. Unless of course you want to go down that road.
I doubt it but you never know.
Consider some multiple gateways (Protx, LinkPoint) and IPSPs (Paypal, 2CO). You might even have...
Using FTP can potentially corrupt the FPSE and if you relied on FPSE to change the server permissions, this could be the problem.
Have you checked with the hosting company to see if they can check the permissions?
http://www.loudcommerce.com/ |...
Well you don't want to get into factoring / aggregating funds. You could, but it costs quite a bit to set up. Consider getting each business to open an account but also check to see what Levels (Level I, Level II, Level III) would be needed. And check to see what type of rate you can help...
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