inbound calls ring to HG200 and "Out of Service" it's set HG 201. However it plays HG200 VM gteeting if unanswered by HG 201. Same happens it I use "night service" in HG200. Customer requires 200 and 201 to have VM's
Help Please
I have several customers the use the same SIP Trunk provided. All inbound caller ID works well from any other provided but if it's from the same provider it only shows the last 4 digits. These companies have nothing in common except the provider and Avaya IP office systems.
The system are all...
IPO 9.1.701 with VM Pro using SIP Trunks
I want to send the Customers main number but it sends the calling party's number.
I've tried changing the ARS table also the System Twinning tab and the SIP settings on System Voicemail tab.
In VM Pro I'm using a Menu with option of $ this links to a...
I have a question... I drank the Avaya Kool-Aid many years ago and I don't have a good knowledge of what else is viable. Most of our customer are under 50 users, SIP Trunks (some POTS and PRI ), IP and Digital Phones, Multiple locations with VM Pro.
Mitel, Digium, Zulty, Panasonic or even...
"tlpeter" firing everyone is the best idea so far but I will still have to deal with the VMPro Housekeeping mode feature. I have changed it and nothing happens. The only way to clear the MB is thru VMPro Client.
9.0 Server Edition Voice Mail
It seems to have a myriad of problems, the most pressing is Housekeeping does not clean out old messages. They just pile up until the box gets full. Now my question; is it realistic to put the VM Pro on a different this possible? any guidance would be...
The problem is the Housekeeping has not been working. No matter how it's set it doesn't work. It is currently set to run every 4 hours but after 2 days data still exist. 6 of the MB receive reservation request during peak times and off hours....they fill up quickly.
New question; After a VM message has been deleted. It still takes away from the storage capacity. Eventually we have to clear the mailbox via the VM Pro client. Attached is an example of my heartburn. BTW this is 9.0
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