I've published application to users... so I don't have to share the desktop. But userfind ways to by pass that by using explorer capability built-in all office product.
They click on open-file and browse right through the save/save as window.
Yes... under no circumstances you should surrender the domain admin to user.
Explain the backup situation to user and let them decide. Mine decide to backup on their own. So I let them have the folder where even domain admin can't access but they can.
If something goes wrong... you can always...
I just need an outbound and internal mail filter.
Couldn't find it in exchange 2003 settings.
Search in both google and this site also get me nowhere.
thanks in advance.
Did you create the mailbox yourself or you manage what some admin left behind ?
Exchange is notorious in remembering deleted 'relation'. I once have the same problem cause I try to reassign a mail address to different user.
Plus exchange retain the deleted user for some period before...
Check the e-mail address of the user under the recipient folder...
Maybe the alternate address BECOMES the main address by mistake somewhere along the migration ?
Check out CA's Secure Content Management.
It's an antivirus, antispam, anti malicious code and it goes as far as preventing sensitive document to be send out of the organization.
It can provide user control and management a comprehensive reports.
The best security tools I've seen so far...
Closest thing I can think of is the audit log on nt.
But why not make the user to create folder THROUGH the application ?
You'll have full control then.
When you say speed problem... is it when login first time (starting of mail client) or when it reads mails ?
I have experienced slow login before (from outlook) there's an article on ms knowledgebase about it but I forgot the address... it's about how DHCP not making TCP/IP as it' first choice...
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